徐佳瑩 - 一愛難求 (電視劇《扶搖》片尾曲) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 徐佳瑩 - 一愛難求 (電視劇《扶搖》片尾曲)

一愛難求 (電視劇《扶搖》片尾曲)
Love Hard to Find (Outro Song for TV Series "Legend of Fuyao")
你懂什麼 三界有什麼好
You know nothing of what the Three Realms could offer
若無貪嗔 若並無煩惱
If without greed and envy, if without worry
又怎能叫我 一步三回頭
How could you call me over and over again
為愛愁為恨求 為情把魂魄都丟掉
For love I worry, for hate I seek, for affection I would give up my soul
要我愛的那個愛我 只要那一個愛我
I want the one I love to love me, only that one to love me
你用什麼 換這一愛難求
With what do you exchange for this love hard to find
若無病弱 若永無蒼老
If without illness or old age
又怎叫花火 孤身逐星斗
How could sparks fly, alone chasing the stars
為人瘦為心留 為夢把運氣都趕跑
For people I lose weight, for my heart I bear, for dreams I run out of luck
要我美的奪他魂魄 一直在他心裡閃爍
I want to be captivatingly beautiful, to always shine in his heart
有道說 此生所求 不過翻雲覆雨廝守
There's a saying, in this life all we seek is to love and be loved
求若不得 執念懸心 眉頭緊鎖
But if we don't get what we seek, our hearts will be burdened, our brows will be furrowed
有道說 來世若求 唯願寒蟬仗馬參透
There's a saying, if we seek in the next life, we only wish for cicadas to understand the meaning of life
夢為心囚 賜我愛著 半生著落
My heart is trapped in my dream, grant me love, let me rest for half a lifetime
你拿什麼 來對這詩一首
With what do you compare this poem
若無坎坷 若不曾跌落
If without setbacks, if without falls
又怎能得自我 不顧他人說
How could I find myself, regardless of what others say
為自守為己謀 為雲煙過眼都可拋
To protect myself, to plan for myself, to let go of the fleeting clouds
要他眼裡心裡的我 絕無可能再有一個
I want him to have only me in his eyes and heart, it can never be another
有道說 此生所求 不過翻雲覆雨廝守
There's a saying, in this life all we seek is to love and be loved
求若不得 執念懸心 眉頭緊鎖
But if we don't get what we seek, our hearts will be burdened, our brows will be furrowed
有道說 來世若求 唯願寒蟬仗馬參透
There's a saying, if we seek in the next life, we only wish for cicadas to understand the meaning of life
夢為心囚 賜我愛著 半生著落
My heart is trapped in my dream, grant me love, let me rest for half a lifetime
有道說 此生所求 不過翻雲覆雨廝守
There's a saying, in this life all we seek is to love and be loved
求若不得 執念懸心 眉頭緊鎖
But if we don't get what we seek, our hearts will be burdened, our brows will be furrowed
有道說 來世若求 唯願寒蟬仗馬參透
There's a saying, if we seek in the next life, we only wish for cicadas to understand the meaning of life
夢為心囚 賜我愛著 半生著落
My heart is trapped in my dream, grant me love, let me rest for half a lifetime

Writer(s): Dong Dong Dong, Chen Xi

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