李拾壹 - 難查字 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 李拾壹 - 難查字

Hard to Look Up Characters
想說個 憶記模糊 離和合故事
I want to tell a story, my memory is vague, of separation and unity.
戀愛了 心不見了 迷茫又詭異
I fell in love, my heart disappeared, I was lost and bewildered.
總想不起 過往怎麼 瓦礫般碎裂
I can't remember the past, how it shattered like debris.
無心去愛 等於詐騙
To love without heart is like cheating.
從心去愛 怎會嫌煩 難捱亦歡樂
To love with your heart, how can you find it annoying? It’s both unbearable and joyful.
不怪你 想改變我 然而沒幫助
I don't blame you for wanting to change me, but it didn't help.
說到愛 那會心虧 箇中的意義
When you talk about love, I feel guilty; what does it mean?
Why do we need to gloss over it?
愛有幾多筆 字字逐點減一筆
How many strokes does love have? Each character is reduced by one stroke.
現實落差簡單化後 難道就能共你接吻
After simplifying the gap between reality, can we kiss?
捨不得 舊事被勾銷一筆
I can't bear to have the past erased with a stroke.
若是認親 不必見面
If we were to meet, we wouldn't have to see each other.
容貌未曾被看真 能讓你我拉近?
Our appearances have never been seen clearly; can this bring us closer?
短訊裡 講起聖誕 明明極淺白
In the text message, you mentioned Christmas; it was very clear.
竟看錯 喜歡怪誕 完全誤解吧
I misread it as "liking weird things"; that was a complete misunderstanding, right?
說對不起 變寸不起 要小心抉擇
Saying "I'm sorry" becomes "can't stand an inch"; you have to choose carefully.
仍不慣 繁簡化
I'm still not used to simplified characters.
愛有幾多筆 字字逐點減一筆
How many strokes does love have? Each character is reduced by one stroke.
現實落差簡單化後 難道就能共你接吻
After simplifying the gap between reality, can we kiss?
捨不得 舊事被勾銷一筆
I can't bear to have the past erased with a stroke.
若是認親 不必見面
If we were to meet, we wouldn't have to see each other.
容貌未曾被看真 能讓你我拉近?
Our appearances have never been seen clearly; can this bring us closer?
多抑鬱 字字被一一傾側
More and more depressed, each character is tilted one by one.
道道伏筆種種秘密 留待別人任意索引
Every foreshadowing and secret is left for others to index at will.
捨不得 漸漸被空虛充實
I can't bear to be gradually filled with emptiness.
慢慢默許 不敢過問 寧願善忘自我軟禁
Slowly acquiescing, not daring to ask, I'd rather forget and imprison myself.
少一筆 舊事就此少一筆
One less stroke, one less stroke from the past.
若是被迫失憶結局 懷著舊時代氣氛
If forced amnesia is the ending, with an atmosphere of the old era,
I will endure every kiss from you.
記住吧 記住吧
Remember it, remember it,
記住吧 每一劃
Remember it, every stroke.

Writer(s): Subyub Lee, Yi To Kwok

李拾壹 - 小人物語
date of release

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