楊培安 - 我就是傻 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 楊培安 - 我就是傻

I'm Just a Fool
I never thought I'd climb to the top and become a phoenix
And just let people play with me
說出心裡的話 老有人提醒我
When I speak my mind, people always remind me
「你真的想太多了 我不會害你的」
“You're really overthinking it, I won't hurt you.”
不想被包裝 寧願舔著傷
I don't want to be packaged, I'd rather lick my wounds
想怎樣就怎樣 不作點頭的洋娃娃
I'll do whatever I want, I won't be a nodding doll
情願像破畫 缺角也無妨
I'd rather be like a broken painting, missing a corner, it doesn't matter
至少我說的是真話 就算我狂妄
At least I'm telling the truth, even if I'm arrogant
I'm just a fool
I never realized I'd fall into the abyss and become a crow
And just let people curse me
沒太多的想法 總會被人說
I don't have many thoughts, people always say
「你太沒有主見了 聽我的就對了」
“You're too indecisive, just listen to me.”
不想被包裝 寧願舔著傷
I don't want to be packaged, I'd rather lick my wounds
想怎樣就怎樣 不作點頭的洋娃娃
I'll do whatever I want, I won't be a nodding doll
情願像破畫 缺角也無妨
I'd rather be like a broken painting, missing a corner, it doesn't matter
至少我說的是真話 就算我狂妄
At least I'm telling the truth, even if I'm arrogant
當我面無表情 不代表我認同你
When I have no expression on my face, it doesn't mean I agree with you
當我聲嘶力竭 就是我不想再欺騙自己
When I shout at the top of my lungs, it means I don't want to deceive myself anymore
不想被包裝 寧願舔著傷
I don't want to be packaged, I'd rather lick my wounds
怎樣就怎樣 不作洋娃娃
I'll do whatever I want, I won't be a doll
情願像破畫 缺角也無妨
I'd rather be like a broken painting, missing a corner, it doesn't matter
我只說真話 就算我狂妄
I'll only speak the truth, even if I'm arrogant
I'm just a fool
Do what you want

Writer(s): Pei An Yang, Mike Mclaughlin

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