汪明荃 - 兩地相思 (鄭少秋合唱) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 汪明荃 - 兩地相思 (鄭少秋合唱)

兩地相思 (鄭少秋合唱)
Our Love Across the Lands (Chorus with Cheng Shaoqiu)
Affection for my confidant from spring to autumn
Facing the lamp alone, loath to hear the dripping copper pot
相思消瘦 助镇守梁州
Lovesickness wastes me, helping to guard Liangzhou
相思苦 惟酒可消万古愁
The bitterness of lovesickness, only wine can dispel my ancient sorrow
日日醉梁州 每夜笙歌卒未休
Every day drunk in Liangzhou, every night singing and playing music until exhausted
感恩知有地 不上望京楼
Grateful for having ground beneath my feet, not seeking the capital
拼教大醉后 不复再情牵咏红豆
Even after being thoroughly drunk, I will never sing of the red bean again
Flowers bloom, flowers fall, provoking resentment and sorrow
朝夕空叹无期相聚 痴心挂红袖
Morning and evening, sighing as I long to meet you, my heart devoted to my red sleeves
Leaning on the building, I sigh, tears staining my cheeks
Awaking from my dream, in the depths of the night, where are you?
相思结 莫计解开
The knot of love, don't try to untie it
燕分飞 伤心无奈
Swallows fly away, heartbroken and helpless
暗唏嘘 冷月纱窗外 开帘风动竹
Secretly sighing, the cold moon outside the gauze window, the wind through the bamboo when I open the curtain
疑是夫婿归来 长门等待
Thinking it's my husband returning, I wait in the long corridor
今夜空对月 不复再题诗玉楼外
Tonight, facing the moon alone, I will never write poems outside the Jade Building again
Flowers bloom, flowers fall, as if mourning for me
Mourning only that last year, he was not here

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