洪榮宏 - 夜霧的燈塔 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 洪榮宏 - 夜霧的燈塔

The Lighthouse in the Fog
生冷的月暗暝 雺霧罩海邊
Amidst the chill moonlit night, the sea is shrouded in thick fog
海面燈塔白光線 暗淡無元氣
The beacon's white light on the horizon flickers, weak and lifeless
只有是一直發出 水螺聲哀悲
Only the sound of a conch shell's mournful wail breaks the silence
引阮出帆的堅心 強欲軟落去
My unwavering resolve to set sail threatens to wane
航路的酸苦味 已經試了試
The bitterness of the航路的酸苦味 I have already tasted
何必為著罩雺霧 就欲來失意
Why should I be disheartened by the fog that obscures my path
為怎樣海鳥哀啼 擾亂阮的耳
What sorrow drives the seabirds to cry, their lamentations echoing in my ears
親像替阮的心情 露出了恨氣
As if revealing the resentment that mirrors my own
男性的真實意 不但靠勇氣
A man's true nature is not measured by courage alone
請看阮若到時機 也欲來表示
When the moment is right, you will see me step forward and reveal myself
霧夜的燈塔水螺 毋好再叫啼
Oh, lighthouse in the mist, conch shell, cease your mournful calls
你是知阮的苦情 憂悶的心理
You know my anguish and the turmoil that rages within me

Writer(s): 佚名

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