潘瑋柏 - 戲如人生 - translation of the lyrics into English

戲如人生 - 潘瑋柏translation in English

Drama Like Life
你也可以不甩 有能力還能耍帥
You can also brush off, If you have the knack for looking cool
或者單純的跩 一切看你的能耐
Or simply to be arrogant, It all depends on your ability
是被人所膜拜 還是不屑被腳踩
To be revered by others, Or be trampled underfoot with disdain
When the wind direction changes, The script is about to be revised
有人喜愛耍賴 有人專長是發呆
Some people like to act shamelessly, Some people are good at being absent-minded
也有人在狀況外 角色都會有對白
There are also those who are out of the situation, Each character will have a line
別太早亮底牌 自己操縱著未來
Don't show your hand too early, Control your own future
As long as the ending doesn't get worse and worse
*時間是第一次花開 地點選在懸崖
*Time is the first time the flower blooms, The location is chosen on the cliff
手拿玫瑰花的人物 就讓我來
The character with a rose in his hand, Let me be the one
演都會的腐敗 就不能裝可愛
Acting the corruption of the city, Can't pretend to be cute
先別管觀眾期待 好的結局自己去安排*
Ignore the audience's expectations for now, Plan a good ending for yourself*
掌中的乾坤戲如人生 這裡唯我獨尊 人稱代名詞記得要說朕
The world in my palm is like a drama in life, Here I am the only one, For my personal pronoun, remember to say I
掌中的乾坤入戲太深 偶爾客串邪神 耍狠口氣聽起來卻很冷
The world in my palm is too deep, Occasionally cameo as an evil god, The tone of acting ruthlessly sounds very cold
槍牆搶嗆 這四聲你會不會講 或用唱 其餘什麼事都不必再想
Gun, wall, choke, can you say or sing these four words? Whatever, you don't have to think about anything else
人生如戲邂逅的人只能稱為過場 剪接純粹為了愛情看來地久天長
Life is like a play, The people you meet can only be called passers-by, The editing is purely for love, It seems to last forever
有些誓言只能在遠距離慢慢欣賞 我已習慣 人生遇見的事叫橋段
Some vows can only be appreciated slowly from a distance, I'm used to it, The things I encounter in life are called plots
鏡頭前每個角度都要完美漂亮 就算演鱉三 戲份我都會盡全力去搶
Every angle in front of the camera must be perfect, Even if I play a supporting role, I will do my best to snatch the scene
看人臉色久了 你的脖子就會酸
Looking at people's faces for a long time will make your neck sore
聽人指使多了 沒有主見很自然
Listening to other people's instructions too much, It's natural to have no opinion
像自己的模樣 喜怒哀樂在臉上
Like your own appearance, Happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy are on your face
It's as simple as breathing in and out
嫉妒矇蔽方向 你會感覺亂亂亂
Jealousy obscures direction, You'll feel chaotic
愛浪漫的大餐 你要學會慢慢慢
Love romantic feasts, You have to learn slowly
當做美食品嘗 千萬別一次吃完
Take it as a delicacy, Never finish it in one go
Stay hungry and there will be more to look forward to
*時間是第一次花開 地點選在懸崖
*Time is the first time the flower blooms, The location is chosen on the cliff
手拿玫瑰花的人物 就讓我來
The character with a rose in his hand, Let me be the one
演都會的腐敗 就不能裝可愛
Acting the corruption of the city, Can't pretend to be cute
先別管觀眾期待 好的結局自己去安排*
Ignore the audience's expectations for now, Plan a good ending for yourself*
掌中的乾坤戲如人生 這裡唯我獨尊 人稱代名詞記得要說朕
The world in my palm is like a drama in life, Here I am the only one, For my personal pronoun, remember to say I
掌中的乾坤入戲太深 偶爾客串邪神 耍狠口氣聽起來卻很冷
The world in my palm is too deep, Occasionally cameo as an evil god, The tone of acting ruthlessly sounds very cold
掌中的乾坤戲如人生 我想換新暱稱 離開那些不真實的掌聲
The world in my palm is like a drama in life, I want to change my nickname, Leave those unreal applauses
掌中的乾坤扭轉晨昏 想通了就不悶 人生沒量身訂作的劇本
The world in my palm turns the morning and evening, When you figure it out, you won't be depressed, Life has no tailor-made script
掌中的乾坤戲如人生 這裡唯我獨尊 人稱代名詞記得要說朕
The world in my palm is like a drama in life, Here I am the only one, For my personal pronoun, remember to say I
掌中的乾坤入戲太深 偶爾客串邪神 耍狠口氣聽起來卻很冷
The world in my palm is too deep, Occasionally cameo as an evil god, The tone of acting ruthlessly sounds very cold

Writer(s): 方文山, 王治平

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