蔡幸娟 - 亂亂夢 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 蔡幸娟 - 亂亂夢

Confused Dreams
這歸暝攏亂亂夢 卡想嘛伊一人
Every night I have confused dreams, constantly thinking about you, just you.
心肝頭也這呢重 日子過著嘛輕鬆
My heart is so heavy, even though my days pass by easily.
驚伊嘸知阮希望 嘸知阮落情網
I fear you don't know my hopes, don't know I've fallen for you.
心事嘸管卓一項 想著攏會目眶紅
My heart aches alone, thinking about you makes my eyes turn red.
嘸知阮欠卓一項 等呀等無人
I don't know what I lack, I wait and wait for no one.
想著又擱嘸甘願 放呀放呀
Thinking about you makes me unwilling, to let go, to let go,
to leave you in your confusion.
愛一人嘛輕鬆 思念心這呢重
Loving someone is easy, but missing them weighs down my heart.
傷心人 夢成空 那會一工等過一工
I'm a heartbroken person, my dreams turned to dust, how can I spend day after day waiting?
愛一人無采工 等無心愛的人疼痛
Loving someone brings no joy, waiting for someone I love is painful.
怎樣你 顧別人 阮的傷心煞變絕望
How come you take care of others, my sadness turns into despair.
坐到天光 夢也茫
I sit until dawn, my dreams are hazy.

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