裘德 - 磁懸浮列車 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation 裘德 - 磁懸浮列車

Maglev Train
看指示牌 我號碼在
Looking at the sign, my number's at
第二站臺 單人座前排
Platform two, front row, single seat, my love.
Farewell to the crowded window's view,
急不可耐 仍不夠快
Impatient, still not fast enough for me,
加速無害 報紙剛攤開
Acceleration's harmless, newspaper just unfolded, see?
世界在 身後 掠過幾個世代
The world behind, sweeping past generations, you and me.
消滅過程 消滅掉留白
Eliminating process, eliminating the blank space we see,
劇情 不肯浪費 時間去加載
The plot refuses to waste time loading, thankfully.
目不轉睛 我的未來
Eyes fixed, my future with thee,
上一秒是否 早已 來過並衰敗
Did the last second already come and decay, maybe?
等不到一二三四 率先搶跑的飛馳
Can't wait for one, two, three, four, this speeding train takes the lead, darling.
沒有方向 但潛意識 務必準時
No direction, but the subconscious must be on time, unerringly.
焦慮到廢寢忘食 破譯生存的公式
Anxious to the point of forgetting food and sleep, deciphering the formula of being, constantly.
Too circuitous, no one's a Borges, you see.
一千零一夜故事 提煉成一頁故事
A thousand and one nights' tales, refined to a single page, concisely.
轉化進大腦端口 廉價速食
Transferred to the brain's port, cheap fast food, precisely.
啟動後無法停止 乘客表情不像是
Once started, it can't be stopped, the passengers' expressions don't seem like they're being
Held hostage, surprisingly.
不夠 千奇百怪 反而更奇怪
Not enough, bizarre and strange, it's even stranger, I agree.
忙碌 什麼叫賣 通通不理睬
Busy, whatever's for sale, I ignore it all, completely.
誰是例外 誰要例外
Who's the exception? Who wants to be the exception, my sweet?
Who knows who came first, the turtle or Noah's Ark, you and me?
等不到一二三四 率先搶跑的飛馳
Can't wait for one, two, three, four, this speeding train takes the lead, darling.
沒有方向 但潛意識 務必準時
No direction, but the subconscious must be on time, unerringly.
焦慮到廢寢忘食 破譯生存的公式
Anxious to the point of forgetting food and sleep, deciphering the formula of being, constantly.
Too circuitous, no one's a Borges, you see.
一千零一夜故事 提煉成一頁故事
A thousand and one nights' tales, refined to a single page, concisely.
轉化進大腦端口 廉價速食
Transferred to the brain's port, cheap fast food, precisely.
啟動後無法停止 列車和我誰才是
Once started, it can't be stopped, is it the train or me who's the
Guilty and innocent hostage, truly?
鏡頭飛回 白堊世紀
The camera flies back to the Cretaceous period, swiftly.
散步的頻率 跨半球預定
The frequency of walking, a transhemispheric appointment, quickly.
Land with dining space, plentifully.
But I have no appetite to waste any more time, honestly.
生吞誰充飢 二進制的耐心
Swallowing someone whole to satisfy my hunger, binary patience, constantly.
Instant Rome tonight, instantly.
Will be written from zero to one, completely.
等不到一二三四 瀕臨失控的飛馳
Can't wait for one, two, three, four, this speeding train's nearing out of control, alarmingly.
列車員播報一次 坐回位置
The conductor announces once, "Return to your seats," calmly.
安全帶安全扣死 摩擦力逐漸消失
Seatbelts fastened tight, friction gradually disappearing, totally.
文明神祇史詩 最後我只想起
Civilization, gods, epic poems, in the end, I only remember
The insignificant things in life, finally.

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