許廷鏗 - 理想·生活 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 許廷鏗 - 理想·生活

Aspiration and Life
Produced by: Arci Zhang
任你於富裕上流 望我的邋遢下游
You can be on top, gazing at my lowly existence
大社會分割得就算天闊地厚 深淵找不到出口
Our society separates us in ways vast and profound
別抱起霸道石頭 投擲向我的自由
Don't hurl your heavy judgement
讓理想漸化成財富的爭鬥 拳頭未放手
Let not ambition degenerate into a fierce fight, fists clenched
平常心 聽得見雙方傷口沒有
Open your heart, you can hear the hurt in both our voices
潮流裡 有努力貪新都有懷舊
There's innovation in the new, but also the nostalgia of the old
沉默太長 難怪偏執了各自各的念頭
Our silence has been so long, we've become too stubborn in our ways
羊群中 不知哪一方得天獨厚
In this sea of faces, who is truly blessed?
圍牆裡 這世代之爭怎去承受
How will this generational divide in our society stand?
誰又怕誰開口 對立不失溫柔 對話不失堅持便夠
Let's speak up, find compromise, engage and stay true to ourselves
用最高價值範疇 來限制滿天星宿
Your values limit the limitless potential of the heavens
路太多沒有權無法子比較 怎樣前程是最錦繡
How can we possibly compare so many paths, each with its own unique merits?
平常心 聽得見雙方傷口沒有
Open your heart, you can hear the hurt in both our voices
潮流裡 有努力貪新都有懷舊
There's innovation in the new, but also the nostalgia of the old
沉默太長 難怪偏執了各自各的念頭
Our silence has been so long, we've become too stubborn in our ways
羊群中 不知哪一方得天獨厚
In this sea of faces, who is truly blessed?
圍牆裡 這世代之爭怎去承受
How will this generational divide in our society stand?
誰又怕誰開口 對立不失溫柔 對話不失堅持便夠
Let's speak up, find compromise, engage and stay true to ourselves
誰吶喊 誰靜悄 同有種悲歡哭笑
Our cries and our whispers
Our laughter and our tears
誰又教 誰重要 同有種呼吸需要
We all have hearts that beat
We all have our own important roles
平常心 聽得見雙方傷口沒有
Open your heart, you can hear the hurt in both our voices
同林鳥 要割裂分開比拼難受
Like birds in the same forest, we should help each other, not compete
年代距離 何以偏執到種下更深大仇
Why do we allow time and distance to create such divisions?
到底洪流中 一天裡增添多少敵友
In these rushing waters, how many enemies and allies do we make?
何時會 再笑納多一點我荒謬
When will we begin to accept and cherish our differences?
明日再難補救 讓一邊需求 領略一邊憂愁都夠
Tomorrow will be too late to repair the damage

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