陳偉霆 - 遺忘的勇氣 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 陳偉霆 - 遺忘的勇氣

The Courage to Forget
如命運衝不破今天 夜空檐仰一片
If fate cannot break through today, the eaves of the night sky lie in one direction
歡送我 消失似煙
Bidding me farewell, disappearing like smoke
臨別望你淚流 披面
As I depart, I watch your tears stream down your face
內疚未留一聲再見 為你安撫多半天
Feeling guilty that I did not leave a word of goodbye, that I have not soothed you for even half a day
誰的生與死 未能用愛改變
Whose life and death cannot be changed by love
仍無撼抱著你 懸崖上發展
Still, I regret not holding you as we fell from the cliff
不必犧牲眼淚 沉淪到要犧牲你
There is no need to sacrifice tears, to sink to the point of sacrificing you
情人再會下世紀 應該已死
My darling, we will meet again in the next century, when we should both be gone
在日後歡天喜地 世界很美
In the days to come, the world will be beautiful and joyful
何必記念我 苦了你
Why remember me? It would cause you pain
前路就算並無出路 撞向大橋荊棘滿佈
Even if there is no way forward, even if the path ahead is full of thorns and obstacles
活過一起 不算糟
Having lived together is not so bad
明天悲與喜 未能為你傾訴
Tomorrow's sorrows and joys, I will not be able to share with you
虔誠地笑下 去明日便會好
Smile devoutly, for tomorrow will be better
不必犧牲眼淚 沉淪到要犧牲你
There is no need to sacrifice tears, to sink to the point of sacrificing you
情人再會下世紀 應該已死
My darling, we will meet again in the next century, when we should both be gone
在日後歡天喜地 世界很美
In the days to come, the world will be beautiful and joyful
何必記念我 苦了你
Why remember me? It would cause you pain
遙遙長空天與地 仍然無損缺撼美
In the vastness of the sky, heaven and earth remain just as beautiful, lacking nothing
我雖遠行 在旅途懷念你
Though I am far away, on my journey, I will miss you
不必犧牲眼淚 沉淪到要犧牲你
There is no need to sacrifice tears, to sink to the point of sacrificing you
情人再會下世紀 應該已死
My darling, we will meet again in the next century, when we should both be gone
在日後歡天喜地 世界很美
In the days to come, the world will be beautiful and joyful
只許你尚有 遺忘的勇氣
Only grant me this: the courage to forget

Writer(s): Larry Wong, Ruo Ning Lin

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