雷有輝 - 旁人怎好 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation 雷有輝 - 旁人怎好

How Do Outsiders Know?
My Darling,
相恋这么久 始终都开不了口
How have we been in love for so long yet I still haven't confessed?
我爱你 这句我难接受
I love you, these words don't roll off my tongue with ease.
若要说爱你 我会推说难言和俗套
If I were to tell you that I love you, I'd probably come off as trite and cliche.
其实是我羞于将爱意为你 细数
The truth is, I've been too embarrassed to express my love for you.
今天手牵手 终于都找不到借口
Today, hand in hand, I finally have no more excuses.
我与你 有了这小生命
My Darling, you've given me something so precious.
让我说爱你 向你一世重复的汇报
Let me tell you that I love you, and repeat it for you for the rest of my life.
从前沉默埋下爱字 能尽吐
In the past, I kept my love for you hidden, but now I can finally express it.
旁人怎好 总不叫我自豪
How do outsiders know that you're not the one who makes me proud?
旁人怎好 但始终你是最好
How do outsiders know that you're the best one for me?
愿末日也是同渡 临危仍相拥跳舞
May we spend our final days together, dancing while the world crumbles around us.
要牵手抱抱 就算很老
Let's hold hands and kiss even when we're old.
今天这么好 呼吸都可感觉到
Today is such a beautiful day that I can feel it in every breath.
有了你 有勇气求�? 没有了控诉 我也不再无聊和暴躁
With you by my side, I have the courage to ask for more and I'm no longer bored or irritable.
平静地去思想怎爱你待你 更好
I can calmly contemplate how to love and treat you better.
三双手牵手 一生都找不到缺口
Three hands hold each other, an unbreakable bond for life.
要牵手抱抱 直至苍老
Let's hold hands and hug until we are old.

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