Rainy my heart もう止まない 涙は tonight 君が最後に残した 儚い忘れ物のように
Rainy my heart, won't stop anymore; tears tonight, the last fleeting memento you left me
I miss you 君のいない世界は闇に震えて ねぇすべて夢ならいいのに 会いたくてoh my girl 会えない理由(わけ)は 君のさよならを聞きたくなかったから
I miss you; the world without you trembles in the darkness. Oh, if it were all just a dream. I want to see you, oh my girl. The reason we can't meet is that I didn't want to hear you say goodbye.
But I love you. I can't forget you. I live only in our memories. This feeling is forever. The way you smelled that day, it's still on my body.
Baby I still love you
Baby, I still love you
外せない 胸のクロスに 刻んだその名前 baby you're my love
I can't take off this cross I have around my neck. The name engraved on it is "baby, you're my love."
君のいない世界は闇に震えて ねぇすべて夢ならいいのに 会いたくてoh my girl 会えない理由(わけ)は 君のさよならを聞きたくなかったから
The world without you trembles in the darkness. Oh, if it were all just a dream. I want to see you, oh my girl. The reason we can't meet is that I didn't want to hear you say goodbye.