31 FAM feat. Lildami - Una Player - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 31 FAM feat. Lildami - Una Player

Una Player
A Player
Que ja no estem riding i així es com se sent
That we're no longer riding and that's how it feels
Que folles amb ell però em segueixes veient
That you're messing around with him but you keep seeing me
La hoe que estimava em va veure caient
The hoe that loved me saw me falling
Ara em cull la gang gang gang
Now the gang gang gang takes care of me
Sold out en sold out
Sold out after sold out
Sobren calers
Money left over
Miro entre el públic i tu ja no hi ets
I look out into the audience and you're no longer there
Em vaig pagar tant car lo nostre
I paid so dearly for what we had
Que ara em costa arribar a final de mes
That now it's hard for me to make it to the end of the month
que ultimament m'has vist, la mirada als ulls
I know you've seen me lately, the look in your eyes
Estic trist, diamonds a la meva wrist
I'm sad, diamonds on my wrist
Però estic dormint sol al pis
But I'm sleeping alone in the apartment
Ahir al concert, milers de persones cantant
Yesterday at the concert, thousands of people singing
La cançó que un dia et vaig dedicar
The song that I dedicated to you one day
I la veritat és que no vull tornar amb tu
And the truth is that I don't want to get back together with you
Però no et puc treure del meu cap
But I can't get you out of my head
Recordo la nostra pel·lícula abans que fos un thriller
I remember our movie before it was a thriller
Fumàvem, follàvem i comentàvem l'últim disc de Mac Miller
We smoked, we messed around and we commented on Mac Miller's latest album
Jo no volia minyons, a algú li he de deixar els milions
I didn't want kids, I have to leave the millions to someone
No haver-te conegut mai per tornar fer-ho de nou
To never have met you to do it again
Diga'm què passarà quan
Tell me what will happen when
Ens trobem un dia de casualitat al tren
We bump into each other one day by chance on the train
Farem com si res, ens saludarem
We'll act as if nothing happened, we'll say hello
I marxarem pensant que ens vam equivocar
And we'll leave thinking we made a mistake
Els dies són el doble de llargs, me'ls passo pensant en tu
The days are twice as long, I spend them thinking about you
Tornant a casa el doble de tard i mai és per dormir amb tu
Coming home twice as late and it's never to sleep with you
Ella és una player, fa temps que juguem
She's a player, we've been playing for a while
Tiro les cartes all-in, per ella he plorat com un nen
I go all-in with the cards, I've cried like a baby for her
No fa falta anar lluny si estem a prop
No need to go far if we're close
No fa falta anar lluny si estem a prop
No need to go far if we're close
Aquesta balada la cantem tots junts el dia que ens trenquin el cor
We all sing this ballad together the day our hearts are broken
Com li dius a ella, a qui ara estimes, que et toca marxar?
How do you tell her, the one you love now, that you have to leave?
Amb qui moriries per veure el Valhalla, per veure la vida passar?
With whom would you die to see Valhalla, to see life go by?
La pujada ha sigut de llibre però la puta pàgina tu vas passar
The climb has been textbook but you turned the damn page
Et vaig fer una melodia i el dia que mori em podràs recordar
I made you a melody and the day I die you can remember me
I diga'm on eres, quan trucava al phone
And tell me where you were when I called the phone
I ningú l'agafava
And no one answered
Quan no m'adormia fins la matinada
When I didn't fall asleep until dawn
Sóc com Maradona
I'm like Maradona
Sempre estic de farra
I'm always partying
I diga'm on eres, quan curava ferides
And tell me where you were when I was healing wounds
Amb gots a la barra, quan no me'n sortia picant pic i pala
With glasses at the bar, when I couldn't get out, digging and digging
Per cada promesa em dispara una bala
For every promise, she shoots me a bullet
Diga'm què passarà
Tell me what will happen
Quan ens trobem un dia de casualitat al tren
When we bump into each other one day by chance on the train
Farem com si res, ens saludarem
We'll act as if nothing happened, we'll say hello
I marxarem pensant que ens vam equivocar
And we'll leave thinking we made a mistake
Els dies són el doble de llargs, me'ls passo pensant en tu
The days are twice as long, I spend them thinking about you
Tornant a casa el doble de tard i mai és per dormir amb tu
Coming home twice as late and it's never to sleep with you
Ella és una player, fa temps que juguem
She's a player, we've been playing for a while
Tiro les cartes all-in, per ella he plorat com un nen
I go all-in with the cards, I've cried like a baby for her
No fa falta anar lluny si estem a prop
No need to go far if we're close
No fa falta anar lluny si estem a prop
No need to go far if we're close
Aquesta balada la cantem tots junts
We all sing this ballad together
El dia que ens trenquin el cor
The day our hearts are broken
Que ja no estem riding i així es com se sent
That we're no longer riding and that's how it feels
Que folles amb ell però em segueixes veient
That you're messing around with him but you keep seeing me
La hoe que estimava em va veure caient
The hoe that loved me saw me falling
Ara em cull la gang gang gang
Now the gang gang gang takes care of me
Sold out en sold out
Sold out after sold out
Sobren calers
Money left over
Miro entre el públic i tu ja no hi ets
I look out into the audience and you're no longer there
Em vaig pagar tant car lo nostre
I paid so dearly for what we had
Que ara em costa arribar a final de mes
That now it's hard for me to make it to the end of the month
Ella és una player, fa temps que juguem
She's a player, we've been playing for a while
Tiro les cartes all-in, per ella he plorat com un nen
I go all-in with the cards, I've cried like a baby for her
No fa falta anar lluny si estem a prop
No need to go far if we're close
No fa falta anar lluny si estem a prop
No need to go far if we're close
Aquesta balada la cantem tots junts el dia que ens trenquin el cor
We all sing this ballad together the day our hearts are broken

Writer(s): Alejandro Gil Rodríguez, Damià Rodríguez Vila, Eduard Freixas Palou, Martí Mora Julià

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