31 FAM - A Letter 2 Grandma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 31 FAM - A Letter 2 Grandma

A Letter 2 Grandma
A Letter 2 Grandma
Yeah yaay yaa yah
Yeah yaay yaa yah
Joey C
Joey C
Digue'm iaia com es veu des d'allà dalt
Tell me grandma how is it up there
Tothom busca la fama, els diners i destacar
Everybody's looking for fame, money and attention
Que estic entre les drogues, però les drogues no em fan mal
That I'm into drugs, but drugs don't do me no harm
Les coses han canviat des que et vaig veure marxar
Things have changed since I saw you depart
Tinc a tots els haters fent-me fila
I got all the haters standing in line
Ara la veig caminant per la Gran Vía
Now I see her walking through the Great Vía
I és que iaia puc sense cap d'ells i fa temps que podia
And the thing is grandma I can do without any of them and have been able to for a while
No vaig saber cuidar ni a la que menys em mereixia
I didn't know how to take care of not even she who deserved it the least
I com va? Aquí ningú t'ensenya a cuidar-te
And how is it going? Here nobody teaches you how to take care of yourself
Que potser no estàs amb mi, però nena em fas falta
Maybe you're not here with me, but honey I need you
La vida em va ensenyar que el respecte es guanya
Life has taught me that respect is earned
Amb els ous sobre la taula
With your balls on the table
Prometo arribar a dalt de tot per les meves germanes
I promise to get to the top for my sisters
Prometo ser de tot menys el que tothom esperava
I promise to be anything but what everybody expected
Prometo que els meus fills no passaran mai gana
I promise that my kids will never go hungry
Prometo ser el millor per als meus i per la mamà
I promise to be the best for mine and for mom
M'he criat dins d'una llar, he crescut lluny de la molly
I've grown up in a home, I've grown far away from the molly
La meitat que aneu de calle el vostre pare un Bugatti
Half of you who act like you're from the streets, your dad has a Bugatti
Són reals, són problemes, no poder tenir un salari
They're real, they're problems, not being able to have a salary
Aplaudeixo qui va estar a baix però segueix estimant el barri
I applaud those who were down but still love the neighborhood
Tinc col·legues que han sortit de tot, del càncer
I have colleagues who have come out of everything, out of cancer
M'han aixecat de terra, han posat la cara al parte
They've lifted me off the ground, they've put their face in the report
El camí no ha estat fàcil, però ara la pasta està al dente
The road hasn't been easy, but now the pasta is al dente
Que no valíem la pena i mira iaia, we made it
That we weren't worth it and look grandma, we made it
Aquí ningú t'ensenya a cuidar-te
Here nobody teaches you how to take care of yourself
Que potser no estàs amb mi, però nena em fas falta
Maybe you're not here with me, but honey I need you
La vida em va ensenyar que el respecte es guanya
Life has taught me that respect is earned
Amb els ous sobre la taula
With your balls on the table
Tu no ets el centre, no era ningú
You are not the center, nobody was
Ara sóc un exemple
Now I am an example
Parlo família, parlo dels meus
I am talking about my family
Estic orgullós i tu no ho pots entendre
I am proud and you can't understand it
Em sento Mad Max estic en carrera
I feel like Mad Max I'm in the race
Fa temps que t'observo segueixes darrere
I've been watching you for a long time, you're still behind
La vida és molt puta, el caldo calent-calent
Life is a bitch, the broth is hot
Tots amb la forquilla jo menjo amb cullera
Everybody with a fork, I eat with a spoon
Jo vull saber que la teva nevera
I want to know that your fridge
Estarà sempre plena, ho vull de veritat
Will always be full, I really want it
Us falta polla, deixa'm explicar-te
You lack balls, let me explain
Dir que ets diferent et fa com la resta
Saying you're different makes you like everybody else
Un parell de pussies estan malalts del cap
A couple of pussies are out of their mind
Trencada drippin' aigua
A broken drippin' water
La mitjana de gent mor als 25
The average person dies at 25
Però als 75 és quan és enterrat
But it is at 75 that he is buried
Ai Senyor
Oh Lord
A bueno, encara fa batxillerat, és petita
A good thing, she's still in high school, she's young
I bueno, no sabem la raó i riuen (Sí)
And well, we don't know the reason and they laugh (Yes)
Me'l recomanes?
Do you recommend it to me?
Sí, això ho has de sapiguer tu, nét, no jo (Sí)
Yes, you have to know that, my grandson, not me (Yes)
Si vols les galetes
If you want the cookies
Si vull galetes?
If I want cookies?

Writer(s): Alejandro Gil Rodríguez, Eduard Freixas Palou, Joel Cosp Mcgettigan

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