31 FAM - Balada 17 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 31 FAM - Balada 17

Balada 17
Ballad 17
Vaig aprendre a adormir-me als teus braços
I learned to fall asleep in your arms
Ara ja no com es dorm
Now I don't know how to sleep
Vaig aprendre del terra aixecar-me
I learned to get up from the dust
Fumo per agafar la son
I smoke to get sleepy
Vaig aprendre dels cops i la vida
I learned from the blows and life
El dolor em va ensenyar a ser més fort
Pain taught me to be stronger
Vaig prometre cuidar-te per sempre
I promised to take care of you forever
Encara que em trenquessis el cor
Even if you broke my heart
I em deia, que triomfaria i ho sabia
And she told me, she would triumph and she knew it
Va donar-me tot el que tenia perquè hi confiava
She gave him all she had because she trusted him
I ella que era de la jungla com diria Drake
And she who was from the jungle like Drake would say
Com Disney, vas complir-me fantasies
Like Disney, you made my fantasies come true
I és que aquell py tant bo
And that py so good
Li donaria tot el guala
I would give her all the money
Havana club dins el carro
Havana Club in the car
Mentre sona una balada
While a ballad is playing
De com et conec, de com et vull lliure
About how I know you, about how I want you free
De la vida que vem construir, de les cosses que et feien riure
Of the life that we have built, of the things that made you laugh
Vull veure com es fa vella
I want to see how she gets old
Acariciar-li cada arruga de la cara
To caress every wrinkle on her face
A la merda si no hi ets, ni joies ni fama
To hell if you're not there, no jewels or fame
Fa temps que no m′interessa una vida sense ella
I haven't been interested in a life without her for a long time
Tots els camins a Marbella
All roads to Marbella
Tu vas cobrir i curar-me totes les meves ferides
You covered and healed all my wounds
Si consideres que tothom és igual
If you consider that everyone is the same
Estas renunciant a trobar algú millor amb qui compartir la vida
You are giving up the chance to find someone better to share your life with

Writer(s): Alejandro Gil Rodríguez, Eduard Freixas Palou

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