31 FAM - Des del Día 1 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 31 FAM - Des del Día 1

Des del Día 1
Since Day 1
Si pogués tornar a Menorca
If I could go back to Menorca
Respira, mira què bonica que és la vida
Breathe, look how beautiful life is
Quan estàs amb els germans i se t′oblida l'ahir
When you're with your brothers and you forget about yesterday
Ahora que disputo y me falta el aire
Now that I struggle and I'm short of breath
No me creo a nadie, no es importante
I don't believe anyone, it's not important
Vivir con el ansia y pensar a lo grande
To live with longing and think big
Y soñar con tus planes, cumplir los que falten
And dream of your plans, fulfill the ones that are missing
que soy el único que manda en la vida que llevo
I know I'm the only one who's in charge of the life I live
que el momento que sueño me vienen todo′ los recuerdo'
I know that the moment I dream, all the memories come to me
Ahora encontré lo que pensaba desde pequeño
Now I found what I thought about as a child
Cantar en escenarios y luego guardar los momento' hmm
Singing on stages and then saving the moment' hmm
I recordo quan tot era un somni (Somni)
And I remember when it was all a dream (Dream)
Quan pujava a l′escenari tot es feia gran
When I went up on stage everything became big
Altes hores a l′estudi, yeah
Long hours in the studio, yeah
Cantava per poguer seguir endavant
I sang to be able to move on
Tot per culpa meva, no tinc diners a la compta
It's all my fault, I have no money in the account
I és que estic cansat de les meves paranoies
And I'm tired of my paranoia
M'has enverinat amb el teu amor de festa
You poisoned me with your party love
Vaig fotut de Jäger, puta, i em pilla l′amnesia
I'm fucked up on Jäger, bitch, and I'm getting amnesia
Todo por mi culpa, no tengo money en la cuenta
It's all my fault, I have no money in the account
Yo ya estoy cansa'o de to′ mis paranoia'
I'm already tired of all my paranoia
Y aunque sea tarde, aquí sigo pensando en ella′
And even if it's late, I'm still thinking about her
De esos días junto', los viaje' a Formentera
Of those days together, the trips to Formentera
Y quién me lo iba a decir
And who would have told me
Por party son cinco mil (Por cinco)
For a party it's five thousand (For five)
Quién me lo iba a decir (No, no)
Who would have told me (No, no)
Que hoy en día estamos aquí
That today we are here
Los veranos y una playa, o si no en la piscina
Summers and a beach, or if not, in the pool
En el estudio o en la casa que se coge la vecina
In the studio or in the house that the neighbor gets
Todo el día estoy con gula, metido en la cocina
All day long I'm greedy, stuck in the kitchen
Aparta que voy muy ràpid, pero no tenemos prisa
Move over, I'm going really fast, but we're not in a hurry
Esto no es tirarle mucho a ver si gana′
This is not about throwing a lot to see if you win
Esto es trabajar muy duro siempre pa′ la mama
This is about working hard always for mama
No es si te imagina' lo que planeabas
It's not if you imagine what you were planning
Es haber logrado lo que soñabas (Lo que soñabas)
It's about having achieved what you dreamed of (What you dreamed of)
El pare em va dir que si vull seguir seguint rockstar
My father told me that if I want to keep being a rockstar
Jo li vaig dir que això no ho fa per mi, ey
I told him this is not for me, hey
Som la new era dins la terra, don′t stop
We are the new era on earth, don't stop
Dono gràcies a tots els que estan des del dia 1
I thank everyone who has been here since day 1
Encara estic esperant la meva condena per tu
I'm still waiting for my sentence for you
Reso per la família que estima la seva gent
I pray for the family that loves its people
Me'n ric del panorama català
I laugh at the Catalan panorama
A vegades innocent del que podríem guanyar, hmm
Sometimes innocent of what we could earn, hmm
Qui pogués tornar a Menorca
Who could return to Menorca
Quan fèiem cubates al sol de la costa
When we made cubatas in the sun on the coast
Quan després de col·locar-la et trucaven a la porta
When after placing it they called you at the door
I la casa full de birres amb tota la penya morta
And the house full of beers with all the people dead
De la farra d′ahir, de la risa shawty
From yesterday's party, from the laughter shawty
De no saber on som, no saber què és dormir
From not knowing where we are, not knowing what sleeping is
Respira, mira que bonica que és la vida
Breathe, look how beautiful life is
Quan estàs amb els germans i se t'oblida l′ahir
When you're with your brothers and you forget about yesterday
De fumar-la al mig del mar mentre el sol es ponia
From smoking it in the middle of the sea while the sun was setting
I la calma, les 9 del matí fent-me el "bon dia"
And the calm, 9 in the morning saying "good morning"
En una cala, camino en trajectòria no guiada
In a cove, I walk on an unguided trajectory
Quan ens rebia el Cosp amb unes crepes de matinada
When Cosp welcomed us with some crepes at dawn
Ja, tito, encén el petardo, que se'ns fa tard
Yeah, dude, light the firecracker, we're late
Pels mojitos a la barra del bar
For mojitos at the bar
La nostra felicitat es construeix al dia a dia
Our happiness is built day by day
Les paelles, els polvos, el sol i la sangria
Paellas, polvo, sun and sangria
I recordo quan tot era un somni
And I remember when it was all a dream
Quan pujava a l'escenari tot es feia gran
When I went up on stage everything became big
Altes hores a l′estudi, yeah
Long hours in the studio, yeah
Cantava per poguer seguir endavant
I sang to be able to move on
Todo por mi culpa, no tengo money en la cuenta
It's all my fault, I have no money in the account
Yo ya estoy cansa′o de to' mis paranoia′
I'm already tired of all my paranoia
Y aunque sea tarde, aquí sigo pensando en ella'
And even if it's late, I'm still thinking about her
De esos días junto′, los viaje' a Formentera
Of those days together, the trips to Formentera
Y quién me lo iba a decir
And who would have told me
Por party son cinco mil (Por cinco)
For a party it's five thousand (For five)
Quién me lo iba a decir (No, no)
Who would have told me (No, no)
Que hoy en día estamos aquí
That today we are here
que soy el único que manda en la vida que llevo
I know I'm the only one who's in charge of the life I live
I recordo quan tot era un somni
And I remember when it was all a dream
Quién me lo iba a decir
Who would have told me
Que hoy en día estamos aquí.
That today we are here.

Writer(s): àlex Sánchez Gomariz, Dídac Serra Franzi, Eduard Freixas Palou, Ferran Vilalta Aguilar, Sergi Madriles Ferrer

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