31 FAM - Frosti Flakes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 31 FAM - Frosti Flakes

Frosti Flakes
Frosti Flakes
Em van criar amb principis des del primer trau
They raised me with principles from the very beginning
Si no estem ballin′ tot el que ens envolta cau
If we ain't dancing, everything around us falls apart
Fuma, no t'enamoris, que després fa mal
Smoke, don't fall in love, it hurts later on
Intentem mantenir-nos sempre fent touchdown
We try to always keep scoring touchdowns
Som la còpia de la còpia de Frosti Flakes
We're the copy of the copy of Frosti Flakes
Que follin a les normes fins que siguem vells (Fuck it)
Screw the norms until we're old (Fuck it)
La meva llibertat no serà mai d′ells
My freedom will never be theirs
Brillen més que el teu futur els meus anells
My rings shine brighter than your future
Si comencem per la zeta no entendràs l'abecedari
If we start with Z, you won't understand the alphabet
Ja no mama de la teta, ha crescut el cadell
He's not sucking on a tit anymore, the puppy's grown
Ja no entén les injustícies, per això trenca la llei
He doesn't understand injustice anymore, that's why he breaks the law
Això és el nostre polític però que follin al rei
This is our politician, but fuck the king
Que cinc hoes no valdran el que val una bona nena
Five hoes aren't worth as much as a good girl
Amb tota l'esquadra, a mi se′m treu la pena
With the whole squad, my pain is lifted
Estem junts col·locats, això és la nova Santa Cena
We're together, high, this is the new Last Supper
I jo tinc la millor nena i la que millor ho remena
And I have the best girl, the one who knows how to handle it
Mira la cadena, ja és al coll (Splash)
Look at the chain, it's already on my neck (Splash)
Armat com un Cowboy (Ua)
Armed like a Cowboy (Ua)
Yeah, yeah, el meu comboi
Yeah, yeah, my convoy
Eduquem en el que importa de veritat (Boy)
We educate in what really matters (Boy)
Que venent cinc grams ja es creuen Escobar (Igual)
They think they're Escobar selling five grams (Same)
El meu avi pillava la bici cada matí
My grandpa took the bike every morning
Venia més de cinc diaris, allò que era estel·lar
He sold more than five newspapers, that was stellar
Vaig començar sent rookie en una All Stars
I started as a rookie in an All Stars
I ara estic fucked up, i ara estic fucked up
And now I'm fucked up, and now I'm fucked up
Tot el dia ric, però estic tocat
Laughing all day, but I'm touched
I ara estic cansat de perdre′m el cap
And now I'm tired of losing my mind
Fumo molta weed per no estar estressat
I smoke a lot of weed so I don't get stressed
I ara estic fucked up, i ara estic fucked up
And now I'm fucked up, and now I'm fucked up
Tot el dia ric, però estic tocat
Laughing all day, but I'm touched
I ara estic cansat de perdre'm el cap
And now I'm tired of losing my mind
Fumo molta weed per no estar estressat
I smoke a lot of weed so I don't get stressed
Fuck that life, caminant fent esses
Fuck that life, walking in S curves
Tinc un més que trenca les peces
I got one more that breaks the pieces
I si no t′agrada, per què tu no et queixes?
And if you don't like it, why don't you complain?
Ua, ua, ua, ua
Ua, ua, ua, ua
Entro al VIP, siempre estamo' on fire
I enter the VIP, we're always on fire
Vaya, cuando entra el beat nunca falla, y calla
Damn, when the beat comes in, it never fails, and shuts up
Como cuando canta alguna vez y
Like when I sing sometimes and you
Ua, ua, ua, ua
Ua, ua, ua, ua
Me columpio por la base que parezco Tarzán
I swing through the base like Tarzan
Cuando la gente me mira dice flow de Bandam
When people look at me they say Bandam flow
Aprovecha tu triumfo pa′ poder criticar
Take advantage of your triumph to criticize
Te miro pa' lo que quieras, lo demás me da igual
I'll look at you for whatever you want, the rest doesn't matter to me
Sabes de cosas que ni yo no
You know things about me that even I don't know
Haciendo el afterparty todos se ponen al revés
Doing the afterparty everyone turns upside down
Sube más, más, más
Go up, up, up
Sube el caché
Raise the cache
Ua, ua, ua
Ua, ua, ua
Todos quieren el poder
Everyone wants the power
No me pongas mala cara que yo a ti te quiero
Don't give me a dirty look, I love you
Perdón por lo que dije, pero yo te soy sincero
Sorry for what I said, but I'm being honest with you
Estaba en lo cierto, no tiene sentimientos
I was right, you have no feelings
Así que ahora solo pienso en hacer dinero
So now I'm only thinking about making money
(31) La familia siempre es lo primero
(31) Family is always first
(Todo va a cambiar) Que la 31 llegue lejos
(Everything's going to change) May 31 reach far
Ahora miro para atrás y veo el recorrido
Now I look back and I see the journey
Mamá tengo miedo a perder lo conseguido
Mom I'm afraid of losing what I've achieved
Y no, no, no vamos a bajarla
And no, no, no we're not going to lower it
No, no, no puedes alcanzarla
No, no, no you can't reach it
No, no, no vamos a bajarla
No, no, no we're not going to lower it
I, no, no, tu no pots atrapar-la
And no, no, you can't catch it
Em van criar amb principis des del primer trau
They raised me with principles from the very beginning
Si no estem ballin′ tot el que ens envolta cau
If we ain't dancing, everything around us falls apart
Fuma, no t'enamoris, que després fa mal
Smoke, don't fall in love, it hurts later on
Intentem mantenir-nos sempre fent touchdown
We try to always keep scoring touchdowns
Em van criar amb principis
They raised me with principles
Des del primer trau (Si no estem ballin')
From the very beginning (If we ain't dancing)
No t′enamoris (Tenim touchdown)
Don't fall in love (We got touchdown)
Som la còpia de la còpia de Frosti Flakes (Que follin a les normes)
We're the copy of the copy of Frosti Flakes (Screw the norms)
La meva llibertat no serà mai d′ells (D'ells)
My freedom will never be theirs (Theirs)
Brillen més que el teu futur els meus anells
My rings shine brighter than your future

Writer(s): Alejandro Gil Rodríguez, àlex Sánchez Gomariz, Dídac Serra Franzi, Eduard Freixas Palou, Ferran Vilalta Aguilar

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