31 FAM - Un Plan B - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 31 FAM - Un Plan B

Un Plan B
A Plan B
Avui Nostru Senyor sap que toca farra (Yeah-eh)
Today our Lord knows it's party time (Yeah-eh)
Perdre el compte de cubates a la barra
Lose track of the cubatas at the bar
Recorda l'últim sempre es fa de matinada
Remember the last one is always done at dawn
Però per recordar, recordo que tenies el millor cul de la sala
But to remember, I remember you had the best ass in the place
Sóc molt millor, però amb tu vaig perdre la via
I'm much better, but with you I lost my way
I, primo, des de que vam trincar plegats maleeixo aquell dia
And, cuz, since we hooked up together I curse that day
Amb tu no he tingut un plan B
I didn't have a plan B with you
Per això avui toca rompe (Rompe, rompe)
That's why today it's time to break it (Break it, break it)
Un plan B
A plan B
Avui toca rompe
Today it's time to break it
Tot l'amor que tu senties, baby, era per interès
All the love you felt, baby, was out of interest
I ara porto fent-li voltes, posant-ho tot del revés
And now I've been turning it over, putting it all upside down
La gent sempre es confessa quan han fet les coses més dolentes
People always confess when they've done the worst things
I a tu i a mi, Déu no ens podrà perdonar
And you and I, God will not be able to forgive us
Ni una nit d'estiu vull estar sense tu
I don't want to spend a single summer night without you
M'és igual les ex que ens facin vudú
I don't care about the exes who do voodoo on us
Ja lo nostre és sagrat, borratxos al mar
Ours is already sacred, drunk at sea
Li dic al meu compa que em truqui més tard
I tell my buddy to call me later
Vaig fugaç com el vent per venir a te casa
I go fleeting like the wind to come to your house
Oblidar els meus problemes, fer-ho fins que em passa
Forget my problems, do it until it passes me by
No perdre el talent, ni perdre la ment
Not lose my talent, nor lose my mind
Poder seguir amb tu mentres jo vaig creixent
To be able to continue with you while I'm growing
Súbelo, bájalo, y yo
Turn it up, turn it down, you and I
que a ti te gusta sentir el calor
I know you like to feel the heat
Como el Dream Team y Barcelona en el 92
Like the Dream Team and Barcelona in '92
El Dream Team y Barcelona en el 92
The Dream Team and Barcelona in '92
Y aquí seguimos de farra, la fiesta no acaba
And here we continue partying, the party doesn't end
Gracias al Señor por otro sold out en la sala
Thanks to the Lord for another sold out in the place
Llevo mucho tiempo buscándome las castañas
I've been looking for a long time for my chestnuts
Ella dice mucho, pero luego na' de na'
She talks a lot, but then nothing at all
L'àngel que porto dins ja fa temps que s'ha mort
The angel I carry inside has been dead for a long time
Ja em veig d'aquí uns quants anys collint el propi hort
I already see myself in a few years picking my own garden
I ara que que puc, abusaré com mai de tot
And now that I can, I will abuse everything like never before
Per calers a la butxaca per donar-li al meu nebot
For money in my pocket to give to my nephew
Jo faig slide i l'amor propi never die
I slide and self-love never die
Compto els dies de la fama perquè mai s'acabaran
I count the days of fame because they will never end
Estem triomfant, bevent i celebrant
We are triumphing, drinking and celebrating
Com la peli de Goodfellas, però sense aquell trist final
Like the Goodfellas movie, but without that sad ending
Sap que toca farra (Yeah-eh)
Know that it's party time (Yeah-eh)
Perdre el compte de cubates a la barra
Lose track of the cubatas at the bar
Recorda l'últim sempre es fa de matinada
Remember the last one is always done at dawn
Però per recordar, recordo que tenies el millor cul de la sala
But to remember, I remember you had the best ass in the place
Sóc molt millor, però amb tu vaig perdre la via
I'm much better, but with you I lost my way
I, primo, des de que vam trincar plegats maleeixo aquell dia
And, cuz, since we hooked up together I curse that day
Amb tu no he tingut un plan B
I didn't have a plan B with you
Per això avui toca rompe (Rompe, rompe)
That's why today it's time to break it (Break it, break it)
Un plan B
A plan B
Avui toca rompe
Today it's time to break it
Soy mucho mejor cuando sale el sol
I'm much better when the sun comes up
Siempre tu vacío lo llenaba con alcohol
I always filled your emptiness with alcohol
Me llamaba' a la mañana siempre con el resacón
You would call me in the morning always with a hangover
Y tenía tantas ganas que saltó la conexión
And I wanted you so bad the connection jumped
Y que toca farra
And I know it's party time
Ya perdí la cuenta de cubatas en la barra
I already lost track of the cubatas at the bar
Cuando nos veíamos siempre por la mañana
When we saw each other always in the morning
Recuerdo que tenía' el mejor culo de la sala
I remember you had the best ass in the place
eres como un Mercedes, más bonita si te enciendes
You are like a Mercedes, more beautiful if you turn on
Y es verdad que también perdiste la cuenta de ayer
And it's true that you also lost count of yesterday
Cuando íbamos de lado los dos éramos más fuertes
When we went sideways we were both stronger
Y follábamo' to' el día hasta perder el estrés
And we fucked all day until we lost the stress
I les furles que tenim si tu i jo al llit acabem
And the mockeries we have if you and I end up in bed
Perquè vam dir que era l'últim i ho fem sempre malament
Because we said it was the last time and we always do it wrong
No mola nostra mania d'anar contra la corrent
I don't like our habit of going against the current
En què penses quan els veus iguals i jo sóc diferent
What do you think when you see them the same and I am different
Slide, l'amor propi never die, no, no
Slide, self-love never die, no, no
I seguim celebrant
And we keep celebrating
I et sona la thirty-one
And the thirty-one rings a bell
Avui Nostru Senyor sap que toca farra (Yeah-eh)
Today our Lord knows it's party time (Yeah-eh)
Perdre el compte de cubates a la barra
Lose track of the cubatas at the bar
Recorda l'últim sempre es fa de matinada
Remember the last one is always done at dawn
Però per recordar, recordo que tenies el millor cul de la sala
But to remember, I remember you had the best ass in the place
Sóc molt millor, però amb tu vaig perdre la via
I'm much better, but with you I lost my way
I, primo, des de que vam trincar plegats maleeixo aquell dia
And, cuz, since we hooked up together I curse that day

Writer(s): Alejandro Gil Rodríguez, àlex Sánchez Gomariz, Dídac Serra Franzi, Eduard Freixas Palou, Ferran Vilalta Aguilar

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