357 - Beograd - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 357 - Beograd

Beograd, beton, asfalt, čelik
Belgrade, concrete, asphalt, steel
Koji volim, bilo ga je nekad, a sada ga samo želim,
Which I love, it used to be there, and now I only desire it,
Vidi, oseti ljude u njemu, tu temu sam zaključ'o u tebi
See, feel the people in it, here this is what I have concluded in you
I njemu, singidunum razglednica govorimo sada,
And in it, singidunum postcard we are talking about now,
Ne treba nam strano u zidu ovog grada,
We do not need anything strange inside the walls of this city,
Mnogi se opuštaju, ali tad već su pali,
Many relax, but then they have already fallen,
Trip, haos zezanje za bedak su dali
Trip, havoc gaping for fools they have given
...ribe, sex, pivo, dobra kafana, basket, fudbal,
...fish, sex, beer, good pub, basketball, football,
Dobra hrana, putovanja, gostovanja, svetska slava
Good food, trips, guest performances, world fame
Boli glava, nekad moguće i blisko,
Headache, possibly close sometimes,
Pali tako nisko... klinac na ulici pištolj u ruci
Fallen so low... kid on the streets with a gun in his hands
Ko mu daje ko ga uči da druge muči,
Who gives to him who teaches him that he torments others,
Nose žuto i belo,
They wear yellow and white,
Po nosu mu daju samo da bi bili glavni majmuni u kraju,
They punch him in the face just to be the main monkeys in the area,
Beograd... Beograd...
Belgrade... Belgrade...
Pljačke, krađe, pucanje u taxi, ubistvo, maltretiranje,
Robberies, thefts, shooting in a taxi, murder, maltreatment,
Ko će to da hapsi,
Who will arrest that,
Od najgorih bolesti umire grad,
From the worst diseases the city dies,
Mi smo duša on je telo i treba nam sklad,
We are the soul it is the body and we need harmony,
Puno bande, puno krađe, ratni profiteri,
A lot of gangs, a lot of thefts, war profiteers,
Kome daju, kome idu beli soliteri,
To whom do they give, to whom do the white solitaire go,
Zgrade kuće i grafiti sad ih grizu paraziti,
Buildings houses and graffiti now they are bitten by parasites,
Mi smo gladni oni siti, zašto kriti...
We are hungry they are full, why hide...
Televizija je puna mladog mesa i hostesa
Television is full of young meat and hostesses
Traži kartu da je gledaš ali ne daš,
Asks for a card to watch it but you do not give,
Samo play back i ništa nije živo,
Only play back and nothing is live,
Nema živih boja sad sve je postalo sivo,
There are no live colors now everything has become gray,
Brži smo od njih rima brza kao metak
We are faster than them rhyme fast as a bullet
Nema više pesme kao "Dođi mi u petak"
There are no more songs like "Come to me on friday"
Zajebi više taj glupi klan dobar dan sad ću
Screw that stupid clan anymore good day now I will
Da ti nabijem ciglu u ekran... udišes duboko,
To ram you a brick into the screen... inhale deeply,
Ali ostaješ bez daha puna su mi pluća govorim
But you remain breathless my lungs are full I speak
Bez straha urađeni prevarom na ivici smo ponora
Without fear done with cheating on the edge of the abyss
U ušima nam zavija sodoma i gomora...
In our ears sodom and gomorrah whistles...
Droga i korupcija masovna destrukcija
Drugs and corruption mass destruction
Gaženje i frka brate dokle više trka
Treading and fooling around brother how much more running
Za životni opostanak bekstvo ili ostanak, fitilj gori...
For life survival fleeing or staying, the fuse burns...
Za ovo ovde se bori...
For this here they fight...

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