Addy Khayal - Hey Girl II - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Addy Khayal - Hey Girl II

Hey Girl II
Hey Girl II
Aku masih amnesia
I'm still amnesiac
Dalam keadaan khayal
In a dreamy state
Banyak nakal
A lot of mischief
Penulisan yang agak mengkhayalkan
Writing that is a bit dreamy
Lagu aku buat dara sunti tutup telinga
I make songs while girls close their ears
Yang masih suci terhindar dari dosa
Who are still pure and avoid sin
Anggota badan semua terpelihara
All body parts are preserved
Tapi itu dulu sebelum ke ibu kota
But that was before I went to the capital
Ibu kata jangan ikut orang
Mom said don't follow people
Dulu bertutup sekarang dah jarang
Used to be closed now it's rare
Waktu malam bagi dia terang
At night for her it's bright
Alang alang dilabel jalang
Even though she's labeled a slut
Dulu cari pil cuma bila demam
Used to take pills only when I had a fever
Now hari hari cari tak telan cuma kemam
Now every day I look for them and just suck them
So bagi high five bila kena five
So give me a high five when I get a five
Dekat dance floor dia on fire
By the dance floor she's on fire
Woah so lit bro
Woah so lit bro
Body dia solid doe
Her body's solid doe
Wuuu she lit G
Wuuu she lit G
String selit woah
String slit woah
Woah so lit bro
Woah so lit bro
Body dia solid doe
Her body's solid doe
Wuuu she lit G
Wuuu she lit G
String selit woah
String slit woah
Togak eeh togak lagi, togak ya togak eeh
Twerk, twerk again, twerk yeah twerk
Togak chang dekat changkat
Twerk at Changkat
Minah sorang bawak balik angkat
One girl took back and lifted
Pandai goyang walau kepala berat
Good at shaking even though her head is heavy
Semua acah sayang nak kepala dijilat
All pretending to love wanting their heads licked
Lekat kat rumah laki hari hari PP
Stick at a man's house every day PP
Semua lelaki dia panggil baby
She calls all men baby
Tipu family cakap masih di hostel
Lies to her family saying she's still in the hostel
Tapi realitinya selalu di hotel
But in reality she's always in the hotel
Tak nak balik kampung sebab perut kembung
Doesn't want to go back to her village because her stomach is bloated
Menyorok dalam rumah takut takut bertembung
Hiding in the house afraid of bumping into
Fikiran dah buntu kepala dah bingung
Mind is already deadlocked head is confused
Jantan mana satu yang patut tanggung
Which man should be responsible
Ya dia dah bingung, aku tak bohong
Yes she's confused, I'm not lying
Ya dah cuba tolong, masih di lorong
Yes I've tried to help, still in the hallway
Hey girl, berapa?
Hey girl, how much?

Writer(s): Addy Khayal

Addy Khayal - Hey Girl II
Hey Girl II
date de sortie

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