47ter - Le before - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 47ter - Le before

Le before
The Before
Qui va regretter la veille quand il verra qu′on est demain
Who's gonna regret last night when they see that it's tomorrow
On est 4-5 dans 25 mètres carrés
There's 4-5 of us in 25 square meters
On a quatre pintes dans chaque main, c'est carré
We've got four pints in each hand, it's all good
On a des stratégies d′alcool pour que ça monte vite
We've got alcohol strategies to make it go up fast
J'aurais pas arrêter l'école aussi vite
I shouldn't have quit school so quickly
On a refêté le nouvel an, on rapait des impros gênantes
We celebrated New Year's Eve again, we were rapping embarrassing freestyles
On a découvert des mélanges
We discovered some mixes
On se prenaient pour Magellan
We thought we were Magellan
Hey, on n′a pas besoin d′aller en boîte
Hey, we don't need to go to the club
Venez on reste jusqu'à six heures du mat′
Come on, let's stay here until six in the morning
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Comment ça se fait qu'on ait déjà tout fini? On avait 10 litres
How come we've already finished everything? We had 10 liters
On avait dit qu′on irai pas mais la te-boî semble idyllique, hey
We said we wouldn't go, but the club looks idyllic, hey
On est à trois minutes à pied
It's a three-minute walk
On arrive une heure après, on en a perdu la moitié
We arrive an hour later, we've lost half of us
Devant la boîte, personne essaie d'être au niveau
In front of the club, nobody's trying to keep up
Personne pour rattraper l′autre, on dirait des dominos
Nobody to catch the other one, it looks like dominoes
On est rentrés, j'sais pas comment
We got in, I don't know how
Que des mecs en chien, c′est comment?
Only guys hitting on you, how's that?
Tout l'monde est serré
Everybody's packed in
Ça commence à m'faire chier d′voir que des connards
I'm starting to get pissed off seeing only assholes
On a pris un verre, c′était sans alcool fort
We had a drink, it was without hard alcohol
On a pris un vestiaire, c'était le prix du before
We took a cloakroom, it was the price of the before
C′est trop pour moi, j'me barre, j′suis à pied, j'ai d′la route
It's too much for me, I'm outta here, I'm on foot, I've got a long way to go
On s'rejoint demain au bar, on s'fera un débrief pour les blackout
Let's meet tomorrow at the bar, we'll debrief on the blackouts
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Mais la soirée, c'est le before
But the party, it's the before
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Mais la soirée, c′est le before
But the party, it's the before
Je vous l'avais dis
I told you so
Dès le début on ne devait pas partie en boîte (je vous l′avais dis)
From the start we shouldn't have gone clubbing (I told you so)
Dès le début on devait rester à l'apart′ (je vous l'avais dis)
From the start we should have stayed at the apartment (I told you so)
Comme d′habitude personne n'écoute ça se fait ap' (je vous l′avais dis)
As usual, nobody listens, we're screwed (I told you so)
Comme d′habitude on était chaud pour ce tap' (je vous l′avais dis)
As usual, we were up for that bar (I told you so)
On prend le métro, on se fait bolos par une clique (je vous l'avais dis)
We take the subway, we get jumped by a gang (I told you so)
Casser les rétros devient sport olympique (je vous l′avais dis)
Breaking rearview mirrors becomes an Olympic sport (I told you so)
On en fait trop, on va finir chez les flics
We're going too far, we're gonna end up at the police station
Je vous l'avais dis
I told you so
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la
The before, it's the
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c′est la soirée
The before, it's the party
Le before, c'est la
The before, it's the

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