Cab feat. Pede B - Baghånd - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Cab feat. Pede B - Baghånd

Hvorfor vil du snak' sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
Du kan snak' til baghånden
You can talk to the back of my hand
Hvorfor vil du snak' sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
Hvorfor vil du snak' sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
Alle vil ha en
Everybody wants a
Bid af kagen - vi bliver ved at bage
Piece of the pie - so we keep on baking
Til det løber ned ad hagen - og de vil stadig smage
'Til it runs down your chin - and they still want more
Stadig sultne, gir dem det de vil ha'
Still hungry, give them what they want
De andre de kan spise det der blir tilbage
The others can eat what's left
Sovsen kalder - kokken har planer
The sauce is calling - the cook has plans
Ingen dårlige dage, med de her folk omkring mig
No bad days, with these people around me
Tag dit lort tilbage til dramaskolen
Take your shit back to drama school
I snakker om problemer, mayn jeg har ik nogen
You talk about problems, man I don't have any
Ungerne har spist - damen er vidunderlig
The kids have eaten - the lady is wonderful
Maven rund og fin, men jeg stadig hungrende
My stomach is round and fine, but I'm still hungry
Kan ik stop for fan' - jeg knokler hele dagen
I can't stop for the life of me - I work all day
For the fucking man, men lad mig komme til sagen
For the fucking man, but let me get to the point
Mine linjer - dropper hele hagen
My lines - drop the whole chin
Dine linjer - ah, fuck af
Your lines - ah, fuck off
Tænker bare at tage de ting jeg skal ha
Just thinking about taking the things I need
Ser ikk tilbage, henter det i dag
Not looking back, getting it today
For det handler om penge, hvis du handler med Cab
Because it's all about money, if you're dealing with Cab
Rap eller anpart, alting betalt
Rap or equity, everything paid for
Ser jer når I snakker - ved om ikke i fanger
I see you when you talk - I know you don't get it
I ikke har bidraget, jeg bringer mit eget
You haven't contributed, I bring my own
Shh lad lige far snak'
Shh let daddy talk
Fordi jeg' brandvarm, hip hop arm - maan
Because I'm hot, hip hop arm - maan
Jeg klar, jeg tager den til næste niveau
I'm so ready, so I'm taking it to the next level
Med hele mit crew, vi hænger endnu
With my whole crew, we're still hanging
(Lad gå)
Hvorfor vil du snakke sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
Du kan snakke til baghånden
You can talk to the back of my hand
Hvorfor vil du snakke sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
- Der ikk' noget problem
- There's no problem
Hvorfor vil du snakke sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
Du kan snakke til baghånden
You can talk to the back of my hand
Hvorfor vil du snakke sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
- Der ikk' noget problem
- There's no problem
Rap ud til kakkelbordene
Rap out to the kitchen tables
Intet feinschmecker onani med fremmedordene
No gourmet masturbation with foreign words
Giv mig mine blomster før min' ben de bli'r vakkelvorne
Give me my flowers before my legs get wobbly
Helst dem man ka' inhalere, for roser har jo faktisk torne
Preferably the ones you can inhale, because roses actually have thorns
Holdet er for svedige, ren mandehørm
The team is too sweaty, pure testosterone
Bokser mig frem til jeg har set hvert verdenshjørne
Boxing my way to every corner of the world
Og jeg har øjne som en vaskebjørn
And I have eyes like a raccoon
13 albums dyb, single-deals er for pattebørn
13 albums deep, single-deals are for babies
Urtehaven er frodig og herlig
The herb garden is so lush and lovely
Kronisk besværlig, mit hovede er mærkeligt
Chronically awkward, my head is strange
Sidste år lærte jeg noget jeg tror er lidt særligt
Last year I learned something I think is a little special
Tag kun råd fra folk hvis sko du vil være i
Only take advice from people you want to be in their shoes
Alle vil være bedst - men hvis du ik' vil bytte med ham
Everybody wants to be the best - but if you don't want to trade with him
Kan han stikke det skråt op som en PCR test
He can stick it up his ass like a PCR test
Husk altid hvis de snakker om dig bag din ryg
Always remember if they talk about you behind your back
Betyder det de' misundelige eller bange for dig
It means they're jealous or afraid of you
Studierotter, ren 60'er bohemer
Bookworms, pure bohemian 60s
Nævnt i Sandbergs bog, men har ingen gadeproblemer
Mentioned in Sandberg's book, but have no street problems
Fortsætter mens at stressen forsvinder
Continuing while the stress disappears
Til jeg' gammel at de unge at de sampler fra Peter
Until I'm so old that the young people sample from Peter
Vil ik' høre dig snakke om dine Dag 1'ere
I don't want to hear you talk about your Day 1's
Når jeg kan se at Djævlen står lige bag ved dig
When I can see that the Devil is standing right behind you
Jeg ved at taxameteret konstant tikker
I know the taximeter is constantly ticking
vil du bare hænge, kan jeg hente et reb til dig
So if you just want to hang out, can I get you a rope
Hvorfor vil du snakke sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
Du kan snakke til baghånden
You can talk to the back of my hand
Hvorfor vil du snakke sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
Der ikk' noget problem
There's no problem
Hvorfor vil du snakke sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
Du kan snakke til baghånden
You can talk to the back of my hand
Hvorfor vil du snakke sådan
Why would you want to talk like that
Der ikk' noget problem
There's no problem

Writer(s): Adam Svendsen, Casper Klenz-kitenge, Magnus Albert Wanscher, Peter Bigaard

Cab feat. Pede B - Baghånd
date de sortie

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