We used to laugh the same back then were so young The breeze was sparkling in the covered walkway, it was our favorite spot Leaning our heads together and sharing a single earbud A gentle and melancholic voice resonated
涙したね 萌えるふたりだけのサイン きっとみんなは知らない
Tears fell, a sign that was only ours I'm sure nobody else knew
ふざけあって 笑いあった あの日に戻れたら... この広い空の下で 今君はなにしてるの?
We could joke around and laugh together If only we could go back to those days... Under this vast sky, what are you doing now?
I won't cry anymore, as the new wind blows through the vast sky My tears will shine, the pain in my chest that felt like it would burst was what connected you and me
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