7!!(セブンウップス) - ドキドキ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 7!!(セブンウップス) - ドキドキ

やっぱ恋はキラキラ ドキドキしちゃうな
Well, love is sparkly
This meeting feels miraculous
他には何もいらない 君を見てる
I don't need anything but you as I look at you
星の見えない夜は探してしまう 君の瞳 輝く光
I can't help but seek you in the nights when the stars aren't visible—your eyes, that sparkling light
誰よりも今 会いたい人がいる 退屈な夜を終わらせにきて
More than anyone, there's someone I want to see right now—come end my humdrum nights
明日には会える 分かっている 話したいことだらけよ
I know I'll see you tomorrow, so I have lots to talk about
君と同じ時間を過ごすことが 何より大事なの
Spending time with you is more important than anything
やっぱ恋はキラキラ ドキドキしちゃうな
Well, love is sparkly
Don't wake me from this dream
甘い春の風に吹かれ 心がときめいてる
My heart is pounding as I'm blown by the sweet spring breeze
Surely, as many people as there are who are in love, the world
Keeps going around and around
切ないほど君の声に 耳を澄ませる
I strain my ears to hear your voice, which is almost unbearably dear to me
君の名前 書いて恥ずかしくなる 慌てて隠した ノートの隅
I write your name and feel embarrassed, then hurriedly hide it in the corner of my notebook page
きっと忘れない これから起こることは ひとつひとつ思い出になる
I surely won't forget what's about to happen—one by one, these will become memories
心はいつでも空回り 上手くいかないけれども
My heart is always racing, and I can't do things well
君のハジケルような 笑顔だけをずっと見ていたい
But I want to gaze only at your radiant smile forever
そうだ恋はメラメラ 燃えて熱くなれ
Yes, love burns and grows hotter
Don't let this feeling fade
君と見る景色はもう 何だって輝いている
The scenes I see with you are now brilliant, no matter what
きっと君を思って流す涙なら それすら愛しくて
Even the tears I shed thinking of you are lovely, and I
言葉にならない気持ちに 気づいて欲しい
Want you to understand how I feel, even if I can't express it in words
もっと恋せよ乙女 命尽きるまで
Love more, maiden, until your dying day
Dash forward at full strength
悩んでも傷ついても 思いは止められない
My thoughts can't be stopped, even if I worry or get hurt
そうだ恋はキラキラ ドキドキしちゃうわ
Yes, love is sparkly
This meeting feels miraculous
甘い春の風に吹かれ 心がときめいてる
My heart is pounding as I'm blown by the sweet spring breeze
Surely, as many people as there are who are in love, the world
Keeps going around and around
他には何もいらない 君を見てる 君を見てる
I don't need anything but you

Writer(s): Michiru Kikuzato (pka Michiru)

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