A banda da Loba - Pepa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction A banda da Loba - Pepa

Escoitade ben atentas
Listen closely, my love,
A historia que imos cantar
To the story we will sing
Dunha nena de Amoedo
Of a girl from Amoedo
Que moito deu que falar
Whose tale will surely ring
Seu nome Pepiña era
Her name was Pepiña, dear,
Descoñecido seu pai
Her father, unknown to all
Era filla de solteira
Born to a single mother
Moi mal o ía pasar
Destined for a tragic fall
Un albeite malicioso
A wicked veterinarian
Violou á súa nai
Assaulted her mother, you see
Sendo a nena testemuña
With the young girl as witness
Dese acto criminal
To this criminal decree
Transcorridos nove meses
Nine months passed so slowly
Tras un parto esgotador
After a grueling birth
Falecía a nai da Pepa
Pepa's mother passed away, my dear
Que orfa ese día quedou
Leaving her orphaned on this earth
A partir dese momento
From that moment forward
Moi mala vida levou
A harsh life she endured
Coa súa tia Dorinda
With her aunt Dorinda
Muller cruel e sen valor
A cruel woman, cold and assured
Cando tiña doce anos
When she was twelve years old, love,
As ovellas defendeu
The sheep she bravely defended
Enfrontándose co lobo
Facing a fierce wolf
Ate que a morte lle deu
Until her life ended, extended
Nunca máis será Pepiña
Never again just Pepiña
Grazas ao seu gran valor
Thanks to her courage and might
Chamaranlle Pepa a Loba
They called her Pepa a Loba, my man
Todo o mundo ao seu redor
Everyone, day and night
A vivir vai co seu tío
She went to live with her uncle
Home bo de corazón
A kind man, heart of gold
Que aparece asasinado
Who was found murdered one day
A Pepa a culpa levou!
And Pepa, the blame was told
Acusárona sen probas
Accused without any proof
E nun xuízo a traizón
In a trial of betrayal and lies
Condeárona a pasares
She was condemned to spend her days
Os seus días en prisión
Behind prison walls and cries
Anos pasa na cadea
Years she spent in prison
Ata que o día chegou
Until the day finally arrived
No que coa roupa do cura
Dressed in a priest's clothing
Pepa a Loba escapou
Pepa a Loba, she survived
Pepa a Loba escapou
Pepa a Loba escaped, you see
Pepa a Loba escapou
Pepa a Loba ran free
Anos pasa na cadea
Years she spent in prison
Ata que o día chegou
Until the day she could flee
Unha vez se atopa libre
Once she found her freedom
Con Lueiro, o seu can
With Lueiro, her faithful hound
Vai en busca do asasino
She sought her uncle's killer
Do seu tío, que é o seu pai
Who turned out to be her dad, profound
Dálle morte ao malnacido
She killed the wicked man, my dear
E unha banda creará
And formed a fearsome band
Curas, ricos e caciques
Priests, the rich, and local chiefs
De contado a temerán
Would fear her throughout the land
Así nace a bandoleira
Thus was born the bandit queen
A xustiza pola man
Taking justice in her hand
É odiada por señores
Hated by the lords above
Venerada en todo o val
But revered throughout the valley's sand
Venerada en todo o val
Revered throughout the valley's sand
Venerada en todo o val
Revered throughout the valley's sand
Así nace a bandoleira
Thus was born the bandit queen
A xustiza pola man
Taking justice in her hand
A xustiza pola man
Taking justice in her hand
A xustiza pola man
Taking justice in her hand

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