A.k.a S3rg1u - MTV - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction A.k.a S3rg1u - MTV

La câți trapperi am mâncat caută MTV
MTV's looking for me, I've eaten so many rappers, baby.
Daca n-aș mai fi eu, nimeni n-ar mai fi
If it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be anyone else, girl.
Nimeni nu m-ar mai bârfi, ey
No one would gossip anymore, hey.
Sunt bunic, toți is nepoți mei
I'm the grandpa, they're all my grandkids.
La câți trapperi am mâncat caută MTV
MTV's looking for me, I've eaten so many rappers, sweetheart.
Daca n-aș mai fi eu, nimeni n-ar mai fi
If it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be anyone else, darling.
Nimeni nu m-ar mai bârfi, ey
No one would gossip anymore, hey.
Sunt bunic, toți is nepoți mei
I'm the grandpa, they're all my grandkids.
Curvele au legalizat prostituția
The whores legalized prostitution, honey.
Nu-i legală, dar ne sugrumă constituția
It's not legal, but our constitution's choking us, babe.
Poliția, nu a arătat contribuția
The police haven't shown their contribution, sugar.
au căzut de când a apărut revoluția
They've been falling apart since the revolution, beautiful.
Și prostii ne-au infectat țara
And fools have infected our country, gorgeous.
Vorbesc fara sa cunoască, dar tot fac gargara
They talk without knowing, but they still gargle, princess.
Și ce dacă sunt îmbrăcat de la Zara
So what if I'm dressed from Zara, queen?
Nu mai fiți prosti va vede toată țara
Don't be stupid, the whole country's watching you, love.
La câți trapperi am mâncat caută MTV
MTV's looking for me, I've eaten so many rappers, darling.
Daca n-aș mai fi eu, nimeni n-ar mai fi
If it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be anyone else, babe.
Nimeni nu m-ar mai bârfi, ey
No one would gossip anymore, hey.
Sunt bunic, toți is nepoți mei
I'm the grandpa, they're all my grandkids.
La câți trapperi am mâncat caută MTV
MTV's looking for me, I've eaten so many rappers, sweetheart.
Daca n-aș mai fi eu, nimeni n-ar mai fi
If it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be anyone else, honey.
Nimeni nu m-ar mai bârfi, ey
No one would gossip anymore, hey.
Sunt bunic, toți is nepoți mei
I'm the grandpa, they're all my grandkids.

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