A.k.a S3rg1u - Realitatea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction A.k.a S3rg1u - Realitatea

Faceti cunostinta cu Victor
Meet Victor, my dear,
Are 15 de ani
He's 15 years young,
Om in toata regula dar inca nu produce bani
A decent guy, but he ain't making any money, hun.
Se crede baiat de baiat
He thinks he's a big shot,
Crede ca le stie pe toate
Thinks he knows it all,
Dar acu inca nu si-a gasit locu-n societate
But he hasn't found his place in society, not at all.
E talentat ca dracu, chiar un rapper bun
He's talented as hell, a pretty good rapper, you see,
A avut colaborari importante pana acum
He's had some important collaborations, wouldn't you agree?
Dar nu-ntelege ca rappu nu se vinde
But he doesn't understand that rap doesn't sell,
Va ramane falit chiar daca va continua sa cante
He'll remain broke even if he keeps rapping, that I can tell.
Are versuri bune si orice vagabond il simte
His lyrics are good, any vagabond can feel them deep inside,
Scuipa realitatea in rime, se vede clar ca nu minte
He spits reality in rhymes, it's clear he doesn't lie, beside.
Dar nu are o slujba sta pe bani parintilor
But he doesn't have a job, lives off his parents' dime,
Nu ia-n calcul ca poate rappu nu e de viitor
Doesn't consider that maybe rap isn't a future that will climb.
I se pare usor ca n-a intalnit greul inca
It seems easy to him because he hasn't faced hardship yet,
Noroc că-l mai tin parintii deaia mai bea si mananca
Lucky his parents still support him, so he can eat and get wet.
Anturaju il face sa bea lent si sa scrie versuri in graba
His entourage makes him drink slow and write verses in haste,
Tre sa se retragă, altfel n-o sa faca treaba
He needs to withdraw, otherwise, he'll just go to waste.
Se spune ca sunt vise
They say there are dreams,
Si ca nu pot fi atinse
And that they can't be reached,
Sunt primele ce le vezi cand becurile-s stinse
They're the first things you see when the lights are switched.
Dar si cand is aprinse
But also when they're on,
Cand te trezesti cu ele-n gand
When you wake up with them in mind,
Si le vizualizezi din nou rand pe rand
And you visualize them again, one of a kind.
Se spune ca visezi daca stai si-ti imaginezi
They say you dream if you sit and imagine,
Ca esti altfel decat ceilalti, dar nu tre sa crezi
That you're different from the others, but you don't have to manage.
Continua sa lupti altfel imi vei da dreptate
Keep fighting, otherwise you'll prove me right, you'll see,
Vei bea pe spate cu gandul la vise spulberate
You'll be drinking on your back, thinking of shattered dreams with me.

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