AAA - "Q" - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais AAA - "Q"

おろしたて真っ白いシャツで出かけた帰り道 スコールで
I went out on the way home in a brand-new crisp white shirt, but I got soaked in a downpour
ずぶぬれ 手を挙げた しかし 止まるタクシーは無し
I put my hand up, but no taxis stopped
帰ればランチで食った カルボナーラ 夜のメニュー
If I went home, the carbonara I had for lunch would be on the dinner menu
胸やけの中 見た夢じゃ『フラれる』Nightmare
In my heartburn, I had a dream that I was 'dumped' - a nightmare
「なんなんだ!」腕を組み 日々の矛盾思うカフェテリア
'What the hell!' I thought, sitting in the cafeteria with my arms crossed
新米のウェイター 繰り返すMiss見て I understand!
I saw a new waiter making repeated mistakes - I understand!
Even if you make a mistake, it's OK!
何やらこれ 日々是 Try & Try!
Somehow, this is Try & Try every day!
Q, Q, Q, Q, "Q"に悩まされる!
Q, Q, Q, Q, "Q" bothers me!
La, La, La, La, Life like Quiz!
La, La, La, La, Life like Quiz!
選ぶべき答えで決まる Fortune of My day up or down?
Will the answer I choose determine my fortune of My day up or down?
Q, Q, Q, Q, 究極の選択!
Q, Q, Q, Q, The ultimate choice!
La, La, La, La, Life like Quiz!
La, La, La, La, Life like Quiz!
謎が謎呼ぶ 退屈する暇もないDays Exciting!
Mysteries call out to mysteries and there's no time to get bored - Days Exciting!
毎朝見るTVの占い チャンネルで言うこと違うし
The fortune I see on TV every morning is different depending on the channel.
確かに頼りにしてる自分も ああ 何だかなぁ
I do rely on it, but... oh well
特に悩みはないし だけど後押しはして欲しい
I don't have any particular worries, but I'd like some encouragement.
Perhaps the standard of inconsistency is always within myself?
'That's right,' I thought, to this increasing daily stress that comes with just being alive
My imagination, which cannot be defeated, and my determination are still there.
Panic over something or nothing!
はたまたTrap or Trick?
Or is it a trap or a trick?
それでもまだ可能性にTry & Try!
And yet, I'm still Try & Try for possibilities!
Q, Q, Q, Q, "Q"に惑わされる!
Q, Q, Q, Q, "Q" confuses me!
La, La, La, La, Life has squeeze!
La, La, La, La, Life has squeeze!
選ぶべき答えで決まる Fortune of My day up or down?
Will the answer I choose determine my fortune of My day up or down?
Q, Q, Q, Q, 究極の選択!
Q, Q, Q, Q, The ultimate choice!
La, La, La, La, Life has squeeze!
La, La, La, La, Life has squeeze!
望むほど強い まだ見ぬ明日への希望が Fantastic!
The hope for tomorrow that I have yet to see is strong as I desire it - Fantastic!
Q, Q, Q, Q, "Q"に悩まされる!
Q, Q, Q, Q, "Q" bothers me!
La, La, La, La, Life like Quiz!
La, La, La, La, Life like Quiz!
選ぶべき答えで決まる Fortune of My day up or down?
Will the answer I choose determine my fortune of My day up or down?
Q, Q, Q, Q, 究極の選択!
Q, Q, Q, Q, The ultimate choice!
La, La, La, La, Life has squeeze!
La, La, La, La, Life has squeeze!
望むほど強い まだ見ぬ明日への希望が Fantastic!
The hope for tomorrow that I have yet to see is strong as I desire it - Fantastic!
Q, Q, Q, Q, 究極の選択!
Q, Q, Q, Q, The ultimate choice!
La, La, La, La, Life like Quiz!
La, La, La, La, Life like Quiz!
謎が謎呼ぶ 退屈する暇もないDays Exciting!
Mysteries call out to mysteries and there's no time to get bored - Days Exciting!

Writer(s): 上野 圭市,, 上野 圭市, m.c.a・t

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