Adda feat. Tata - Orasul Adormit - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Adda feat. Tata - Orasul Adormit

Orasul Adormit
The City Sleeps
Noaptea incet acum se lasa
The night slowly descends now
Peste orasul adormit
Over the sleeping city
Gandul meu, la tine zboara
My thoughts fly to you
Si asa sunt fericit
And so I am happy
Iti multumesc, tata
Thank you, dad
Ca te-ai prins de mana ei
For holding her hand
Si ai cantat refrenul la chitara
And singing the chorus on the guitar
Noaptea incet acum se lasa
The night slowly descends now
Peste orasul adormit
Over the sleeping city
E nemuritoare
It is eternal
Dragostea ce i-a cuprins
The love that binds them
Si, de atunci, de mana
And since then, hand in hand
Au implinit vis dupa vis
They have fulfilled dream after dream
Cu zambete si lacrimi
With smiles and tears
Au desenat un cer senin
They have drawn a clear sky
Intr-o lume nebuna
In a crazy world
Mereu impreuna
Always together
Fara minciuna
Without falsehood
Noaptea incet acum se lasa
The night slowly descends now
Peste orasul adormit
Over the sleeping city
Gandul meu, la tine zboara
My thoughts fly to you
Si asa sunt fericit
And so I am happy
Iti multumesc, tata
Thank you, dad
Ca te-ai prins de mana ei
For holding her hand
Si ai cantat refrenul la chitara
And singing the chorus on the guitar
Noaptea incet acum se lasa
The night slowly descends now
Peste orasul adormit
Over the sleeping city
Ai mei mi-au aratat
My parents showed me
Ca dragostea rezista
That love can last
De asta imi amintesc mereu cand sunt trista
I always remember this when I'm sad
Tu tine capul sus
You hold your head up high
Si tine sus si inima
And hold your heart up high
Ca iubirea n-a murit
Because love has not died
In orasul adormit
In the sleeping city
Iti multumesc, tata
Thank you, dad
Ca te-ai prins de mana ei
For holding her hand
Si ai cantat refrenul la chitara
And singing the chorus on the guitar
Noaptea incet acum se lasa
The night slowly descends now
Peste orasul adormit
Over the sleeping city

Adda feat. Tata - Oraşul Adormit
Oraşul Adormit
date de sortie

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