AL The Novath - Joya - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais AL The Novath - Joya

Tanto tonto que me tira
So many fools coming at me
Cuánto dicen y es mentira
So much they say that's a lie
Wacho a no me afecta
Dude, it doesn't affect me
Yo no me bajo a su secta
I don't stoop to their level
A.N.A recordings de dónde sale esta joya
A.N.A recordings, where this jewel comes from
Cocinando a fuego a esos fekas en mi olla
Cooking those fakes in my pot on high heat
Agradecido con quién nos apoya
Grateful to those who support us
Dc sabe cuántos de esos pvtos me comen la polla
DC knows how many of those motherfuckers suck my dick
Wannabe en la época del hate ya murió
Wannabe in the age of hate is dead
Estamos pa' generar no para pelear mi brou
We're here to create, not to fight, bro
Estamos pa' bellekar con las minas en el show
We're here to grind with the girls at the show
No para dedicar tiempo al vato que nunca triunfó
Not to dedicate time to the dude who never made it
El dembow un ritmo de los dioses
Dembow is a rhythm of the gods
Si Afrodita lo escuchara se pondría en varias poses
If Aphrodite heard it, she'd strike some poses
Ya no hago caso de esas voces
I don't listen to those voices anymore
Si fallas fué tu pedo pero no lo reconoces
If you failed, it was your fault, but you don't acknowledge it
Tiran por el reggaeton, ¿qué pasa?
They're dissing reggaeton, what's up?
¿No conocen que en MC'S hay razas?
Don't they know there are breeds in MC's?
Desde que empecé me dicen el mesías
Since I started they call me the messiah
Vine a cambiar al mundo con verdades no mentiras
I came to change the world with truths, not lies
Tanto tonto que me tira
So many fools coming at me
Cuánto dicen y es mentira
So much they say that's a lie
Wacho a no me afecta
Dude, it doesn't affect me
Yo no me bajo a su secta
I don't stoop to their level
Los tengo de empleados, solo hagan su chamba
I got you employed, just do your job
Por más que perturben mi agua siempre vuelve en calma
No matter how much they disturb my water, it always returns to calm
Hasta al más leal cambia
Even the most loyal change
Hasta la más fiel de casa siempre cae con esta labia
Even the most faithful woman always falls for this game
Me preguntan por mi chamba y les digo: "me va rebien"
They ask me about my hustle and I say: "It's going great"
Me preguntan por la tuya y digo: "a me barre bien"
They ask me about yours and I say: "Mine sweeps me off my feet"
¿Entiendes que no es lo que decías?
Don't you understand that it's not what you said?
¿Cuándo van aprender en esta shit hay jerarquías?
When will you learn that in this shit there are hierarchies?
Mami ese botty me tiene fatal
Baby, that booty is driving me crazy
Dale bellakeame esta noche sin final
Come on, grind on me tonight without end
Con ese top entras en el top ten
With that top, you're in the top ten
Si me dices que le llegue yo le llego ven
If you tell me to come over, I'll come over
Esta noche la cama sea la pared
Tonight let the bed be the wall
Ahora me habla sucio mañana me habla de usted
Now she talks dirty, tomorrow she talks formally
Que no sé, en la disco yo la pillé
I don't know, I picked her up at the club
Dice que tiene novio pero yo no le diré
She says she has a boyfriend, but I won't tell him
A ese feka con el que anda
That fake dude she's with
Me lo desayuno
I eat him for breakfast
Tanto swing de panda
So much panda swing
Y no frontea con ninguno
And he doesn't front with anyone
Tanto tonto que me tira
So many fools coming at me
Cuánto dicen y es mentira
So much they say that's a lie
Wacho a no me afecta
Dude, it doesn't affect me
Yo no me bajo a su secta
I don't stoop to their level
Ella lo mueve pa' tra pa' tra
She moves it for tra tra tra
Que esta noche yo le voy a dar a dar
That tonight I'm gonna give it to her
Dale sin más,
Give it to me without further ado
Que estás Horny mamá
You're Horny, mama
Quiere pasar
She wants to spend
Un buen rato en mi penthouse
A good time in my penthouse
Tu flow mami es salvaje
Your flow, mama, is wild
Cualquiera que esté arriba hace que baje
Anyone who's on top, it makes them go down
Nos vamos sin equipaje
We're going without luggage
No te vas arrepentir del viaje
You won't regret the trip
Sueno como otros solo sueñan
I sound like others only dream
Me adueñó sin empeño de su dueña
I take ownership of her owner without effort
Papi yo trabajo y solo juegas
Daddy, I work and you just play
Tantas letras pero ni una pega
So many lyrics but not a single hit
Ni en pedo somos quien lo ha inventado
We're not the ones who invented it, not even close
Nosotros somos quien lo ha petentado
We are the ones who patented it
Pa' ten minas me han mencionado
Ten girls mentioned me
Que soy el que las prende cuando las has apagado
That I'm the one who turns them on when you've turned them off
Papi te falta la actitud
Daddy, you lack attitude
No me llegas ni a la altitud
You don't even reach my altitude
Conmigo te vas para el ataúd
With me, you're going to the coffin
Más caro el marfil de los mamuts
More expensive than mammoth ivory
Ni en pedo somos quien lo ha inventado
We're not the ones who invented it, not even close
Nosotros somos quien lo ha petentado
We are the ones who patented it
Pa' ten minas me han mencionado
Ten girls mentioned me
Que soy el que las prende cuando las has apagado
That I'm the one who turns them on when you've turned them off
Si me quiere parar ponle al pause
If you want to stop me, press pause
No es mi culpa lo que la envidia te cause
It's not my fault what envy causes you
A sus falacias soy inmune
I am immune to your fallacies
En la cuenta del bank veremos quien más reune
In the bank account, we'll see who gathers the most
Baila que no te pena ajena
Dance like you don't have any regrets
Cómo Tito el bambino digo baila morena
Like Tito el Bambino, I say dance, morena
Caile que quema, como el team crema
Come down, it's burning, like the cream team
Mami no me esperes que no llego pa' la cena
Baby, don't wait for me, I won't be home for dinner
Chica que me busca créeme no me escondo
Girl who's looking for me, believe me, I'm not hiding
Yo la estoy partiendo entre caja y bombo
I'm breaking it between the snare and the bass drum
Y si quisiera la rompo
And if I wanted to, I'd break it
Sabe que cuando que salgo alboroto al combo
She knows that when I go out, I stir up the crew

Writer(s): Alberto Juarez

AL The Novath - Joya
date de sortie

1 Joya

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