AMBKOR feat. Kaze & Hams Khadir - La última Foto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction AMBKOR feat. Kaze & Hams Khadir - La última Foto

La última Foto
The Last Photo
Me encendí un porro con la última foto que tenía de ti (no, no, no)
I lit a joint with the last photo I had of you (no, no, no)
Me encendí un porro con la última fo que tenía de ti
I lit a joint with the last photo I had of you
Ay, me presenté con dos besos y una copa
Oh, I showed up with two kisses and a drink
Y al final ella no se presentó ni pa cojer sus cosas
And in the end, she didn't even show up to get her things
Me sentía un ganador comiéndole la boca
I felt like a winner, eating her mouth
Ahora besarla me sabe a derrota
Now kissing her tastes like defeat
Sabe a Brugal y a mota
It tastes like Brugal and motorcycles
Calma mis sentidos cuando flota
It calms my senses when it floats
Nos fue mejor desnudos que con ropa
We were better naked than with clothes on
No queda otra acabar esta botella
There's nothing left to do but finish this bottle
Y como un loco despues de ponerla verde
And like a madman after badmouthing her
Brindaré por ella
I'll make a toast to her
Porque por mucho que diga la quiero
Because no matter what I say, I love her
Porque aun respiro hondo recordando el olor de su pelo
Because I still breathe deeply, remembering the smell of her hair
Porque el orgullo es el peor compañero
Because pride is the worst companion
Porque después de follar con ella, ya conozco el cielo
Because after making love to her, I know what heaven is
Yo no que hacer cuando me miras
I don't know what to do when you look at me
Un ratito me quiere pero al ratito me olvida
One minute you love me, but the next minute you forget me
Y hace la tira que no creo en cuentos
And it's been a while since I believed in fairy tales
No tuvo huevos pa dejarme por eso me pidio tiempo
You didn't have the guts to leave me, that's why you asked for time
Me encendí un porro con la última foto que tenía de ti
I lit a joint with the last photo I had of you
Y el fuego se apagó ni pa eso vales
And the fire went out, you're not even good for that
Menos mal que no recuerdo ni un segundo tal vez de tanto sufrir
It's a good thing I don't remember a single second, maybe from so much suffering
Siempre andaba nadando en will label
I was always swimming in will label
Ya lo cada uno tiene que buscársela pa bien
I know, everyone has to look out for themselves, for good
Y mientras de joder quemarme vivo
And while fucking around, burning myself alive
Ya lo que demasado aguante pa verme caer
I know, I put up with too much to see myself fall
Y de tu mente seré un mero olvido eh
And from your mind, I'll be a mere forgotten memory, eh
Hoy es el día que no pensaba que llegaría algun día pero
Today is the day that I never thought would come, but
Los peros pasan la factura cielo me pierdo nos vemos luego
The buts take their toll, heaven, I'm lost, see you later
Mejor en otra vida donde si pueda entenderlo todo por fin
It's better in another life where I can finally understand everything
Lo que no tenemos ni ganas de vernos y que raro se hace todo
I know we don't even feel like seeing each other, and how strange everything becomes
Siempre me parecia eterno pero el hielo
It always seemed eternal to me, but the ice
Se descongela y se descubre el infiernos
Melts and hell is revealed
Y es ahí donde está el fuego que nos faltó
And that's where the fire we lacked is
A mi no me mires así que salto y me da igual too
Don't look at me like that, I jump and I don't care at all, too
Poco me pase por alto no fui un faltón
I didn't overlook much, I wasn't a slacker
No entiendo ese poco corazón
I don't understand that little heart
Hoy es el día que no pensaba que llegaría algun día pero
Today is the day that I never thought would come, but
Los peros pasan la factura cielo me pierdo nos vemos luego, pierdo nos vemos luego
The buts take their toll, heaven, I'm lost, see you later, I'm lost, see you later
Me pierdo nos vemos luego, me pierdo nos vemos luego
I'm lost, see you later, I'm lost, see you later
Me encendí un porro con la última foto que tenía de ti
I lit a joint with the last photo I had of you
Y el fuego se apagó ni pa eso vales
And the fire went out, you're not even good for that
Menos mal que no recuerdo ni un segundo tal vez de tanto sufrir
It's a good thing I don't remember a single second, maybe from so much suffering
Siempre andaba nadando en will label
I was always swimming in will label
Ya lo cada uno tiene que buscarsela pa bien
I know everyone has to look out for themselves, for good
Y mientras de joder quemarme vivo y
And while fucking around, burning myself alive and
Ya lo que demasado aguante pa verme caer
I know, I put up with too much to see myself fall
Y de tu mente seré un mero olvido
And from your mind, I'll be a mere forgotten memory
Bay bay bebe muere todo lo bonito
Bye bye baby, everything beautiful dies
Tal vez quiere pero está mejor escrito
Maybe she loves me, but it's better written
No que haré si daña el corazoncito
I don't know what I'll do if it hurts my little heart
Bruleai quemé nuestro amor y un cigarrito
You burned, I burned our love and a cigarette
Uno nunca sabe si será el final
You never know if it will be the end
Pero yo no quiero ser otro muñequito más
But I don't want to be another puppet
Media vida dejandolo todo por un amor
Half my life leaving everything for a love
Fácil de romper como el cristal
Easy to break like glass
Lo nuestro murió y me tocó enterrar
What we had died and I had to bury it
Me encendí un porro con la última foto que tenía de ti
I lit a joint with the last photo I had of you
Y el fuego se apagó ni pa eso vales
And the fire went out, you're not even good for that
Menos mal que no recuerdo ni un segundo tal vez de tanto sufrir
It's a good thing I don't remember a single second, maybe from so much suffering
Siempre andaba nadando en will label
I was always swimming in will label
Ya lo cada uno tiene que buscársela pa bien
I know, everyone has to look out for themselves, for good
Y mientras de joder quemarme vivo
And while fucking around, burning myself alive
Ya lo que demasado aguante pa verme caer
I know, I put up with too much to see myself fall
Y de tu mente seré un mero olvido eh
And from your mind, I'll be a mere forgotten memory, eh

Writer(s): Cristian Carrion Chacon, Hams Khadir, Oscar De La Torre Galan

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