Amro - Folket - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Amro - Folket

Vi har håndjern på, og bli'r holdt ned'
We are handcuffed and held back
Røde mærker vores håndled
Red marks on our wrists
Man binder os mund og hånd
They bind us mouth and hand
De ka' holde os tilbage en hel nat
They can hold us back all night
Og sige, vi ikk' har ret til at udtales os - klask
And say we have no right to speak up - slap
Man kan ikk' dræb' vores ånd
They cannot kill our spirit
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Man binder os mund og hånd, na-na-na-na
They bind us mouth and hand, na-na-na-na
Na-na-na-na, nana-na-na, na-na-na-na
Na-na-na-na, nana-na-na, na-na-na-na
Det her' vores frirum lige her, beskyttes af os med gevær
This is our sanctuary here, protected by us with guns
Bare vi kæmper for det, vi kan li'
As long as we fight for what we love
Bare vi kæmper for det, vi kan li'
As long as we fight for what we love
Med tungt artilleri, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
With heavy artillery, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Det her' vores frirum lige her, beskyttes af os med gevær
This is our sanctuary here, protected by us with guns
System er en robot
The system is a robot
De har samlet folk et samlebånd
They have gathered people on a conveyor belt
Vi sorte får i en flok
We are black sheep in a flock
Der planlægger et komplot
Plotting a conspiracy
Et styk' papir for deres ær'
A piece of paper on their honor
Vi får respekter herude, hvor vi er
We get respect out here where we are
Laver baghold systemet
Ambushing the system
Jagter friheden med gevær
Hunting freedom with guns
Tom snak
Empty talk
Vi lægger handling i snakken
We put action into talk
Slås hver dag
Fight every day
Vi væbnet - os mod magten
We are armed - us against the power
Laver mønt indtil det punkt
Making coins until the point
Vi har drabt dem
We have killed them
Vi arbejder hårdt
We work hard
Fra morgen til det' aften
From morning till evening
Vi har håndjern på, og bli'r holdt ned'
We are handcuffed and held back
Røde mærker vores håndled
Red marks on our wrists
Man binder os mund og hånd
They bind us mouth and hand
De ka' holde os tilbage en hel nat
They can hold us back all night
Og sige, vi ikk' har ret til at udtales os - klask
And say we have no right to speak up - slap
Man kan ikk' dræb' vores ånd
They cannot kill our spirit
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Man binder os mund og hånd, na-na-na-na
They bind us mouth and hand, na-na-na-na
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Det her' vores frirum lige her, beskyttes af os med gevær
This is our sanctuary here, protected by us with guns
Bare vi kæmper for det, vi kan li'
As long as we fight for what we love
Bare vi kæmper for det, vi kan li', do-do-do
As long as we fight for what we love, do-do-do
Med tungt artilleri, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
With heavy artillery, na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
Det her' vores frirum lige her, beskyttes af os med gevær
This is our sanctuary here, protected by us with guns
Ingen kan repræsenter' os
No one can represent us
De ta'r fejl af os hver dag
They are wrong about us every day
Vi bær' selv vores faner
We carry our own banners
Vi bli'r martyr for vores sag
We become martyrs for our cause
Har lagt det mål i vores tanker
Put that goal in our minds
Vi ska' arbejd' hård' end de andre
We will work harder than the others
De vil tvinge os til at forandre os
They want to force us to change
Men vi saboterer deres plan
But we sabotage their plan
For ingen kan regerer her
Because no one can rule here
Gør vores egen ting, når de ikk' ser til os
Doing our own thing when they're not looking
Vi' et navn og et nummer
We're a name and a number
I et system, er ikk' kommunikerer med
In a system that does not communicate with us
Og de diskriminerer
And they discriminate
De berøver os vores ret
They deprive us of our rights
Det' modstandsbevægelse
It's a resistance movement
Hver dag er en kamp
Every day is a battle

Writer(s): Amro

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