Andrej Šifrer - Gorska roža - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Andrej Šifrer - Gorska roža

Gorska roža
Mountain Rose
Odšel sem tja, kjer je daljši dan
I went where the days are longer
Kjer se mestni svet konca.
Where the city world ends.
Kjer namesto asfaltnih cest
Where instead of asphalt roads
Vodi le steza.
Only a path leads.
Hiše razpršene
Houses scattered
Kot jata plahih jerebic
Like a flock of shy partridges
Cas utripa drugace ce živis
Time beats differently if you live
V eni od gorskih vasic.
In one of the mountain villages.
Tisti vecer sem žganje pil
That evening I drank brandy
Kot ga pije gospodar.
As the master of the house drinks.
Bog mi v jezik je dal moci
God gave my tongue power
In takrat sem jo spoznal.
And that's when I met her.
Soseda mlada prisedla je
A young neighbor sat down
Srecal njene sem oci.
I met her eyes.
Ko smo peli sem jo gledal
As we sang I watched her
Kako se mi smeji.
How she laughed at me.
Gorska roža caka me
Mountain rose waiting for me
Gorska roža
Mountain rose
Da vrnem se
For me to return
Moji špeli iz planin
To my Špela from the mountains
Pod srcem pustil sem spomin.
I left a memory under her heart.
Brez staršev je a fantov ni
Without parents there are no boys
Ki bi ženili se v gore.
Who would marry into the mountains.
Zjutraj gre v tovarno
In the morning she goes to the factory
Saj z majhno kmetijo pac ne gre.
Because a small farm just won't do.
Zljubila me je ceprav sem bil
She fell in love with me even though I was
Zanjo skoraj še otrok.
Almost still a child to her.
Naucila me je piti meda
She taught me to drink honey
Jaz sem dal ji svojih 18. let.
I gave her my 18 years.
Gorska roža caka me
Mountain rose waiting for me
Gorska roža
Mountain rose
Da vrnem se
For me to return
Moji špeli iz planin
To my Špela from the mountains
Pod srcem pustil sem spomin.
I left a memory under her heart.
Od takrat
Since then
Sem pri njej zivel
I have lived with her
Na gruntu ob koncu vasi.
On the plot at the end of the village.
Cez dan kitaro sem igral
During the day I played the guitar
In ljubil Špelo vse noci.
And made love to Špela all night long.
Bil opran sem in vedno sit
I was washed and always full
Jedel kruh sem iz njene peci.
I ate bread from her oven.
Vstajala je zgodaj
She got up early
Na delavski
For work
Avtobus se vedno mudi.
The bus is always in a hurry.
Gorska roža caka me
Mountain rose waiting for me
Gorska roža
Mountain rose
Da vrnem se
For me to return
Moji špeli iz planin
To my Špela from the mountains
Pod srcem pustil sem spomin.
She's waiting for me with our son.
Ko zadnja košna v kozolcu je
When the last hay is in the hayloft
Cutis hladen že objem
You can feel the cold embrace
Postajal sem nemiren
I was getting restless
Saj zacutil sem jesen
Because I felt the autumn
In pravi
And it says
O 'dreja poglej okrog
Look around, Oh Andrej
Zdaj postal si del planin
You have now become part of the mountains
O 'dreja jaz se bojim
Oh Andrej, I'm afraid
Da nekoc te ne izgubim.
That one day I will lose you.
Gorska roža caka me
Mountain rose waiting for me
Gorska roža
Mountain rose
Da vrnem se
For me to return
Moji špeli iz planin
To my Špela from the mountains
Z njo me caka najin sin.
With her I have my son.

Writer(s): Jesse Winchester, Yankee Lady

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