ASD - Wer hätte das gedacht? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction ASD - Wer hätte das gedacht?

Wer hätte das gedacht?
Who would have thought?
Ah, yeah!
Ah, yeah!
Wer hätte das Gedacht? Woo! Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Who would have thought? Woo! Who would have thought?
Babe! Wer hätte das Gedacht? Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Babe! Who would have thought? Who would have thought?
Afrob! Wer hätte das Gedacht? Samy Deluxe! Yo! Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Afrob! Who would have thought? Samy Deluxe! Yo! Who would have thought?
Waajeed! Was geht ab? Wer hätte das Gedacht? Oh! Was? Ya, ya, ya!
Waajeed! What's up? Who would have thought? Oh! What? Ya, ya, ya!
Ich hab vor circa zehn Jahren mit diesem Scheiss begonn', hab' mir meine Zeit genomm', bin weit gekomm'.
I started this shit about ten years ago, took my time, came a long way.
Jetzt sitzen wir zu zweit hier rum und schreiben Songs, die wir dann demnächst in deiner Stadt life perform! Aha!
Now we're sitting around here writing songs that we'll soon be performing live in your city! Aha!
Leute könn' nicht ahn' wie ich die Scheisse hier liebe, ich wuchs auf mit brauner Haut in einer weissen Familie
People can't imagine how much I love this shit, I grew up with brown skin in a white family
Und Hip-Hop war nicht mein Hobby, sondern mein Ersatzvater, gab mir 'n Namen, ich schrieb' in an die Wand mit Lackmarker,
And Hip-Hop wasn't my hobby, it was my surrogate father, gave me a name, I wrote it on the wall with a paint marker,
Bracbte mir bei zu reim' und ordentlich zu rappen, machte es mir möglich Menschen an vieln Orten zu treffen,
Taught me to rhyme and rap properly, made it possible for me to meet people in many places,
Preise zu gewinn', sogar 'n paar Rekorde zu brechen und für viele von den Kids hier als ein Vorbild zu sprechen.
To win prizes, even break a few records and speak as a role model for many of the kids here.
Gab' mir ein Output für all' meine Probleme, heute hab' ich zwar die Meisten meiner eigenen Szene,
Gave me an outlet for all my problems, today I have most of my own scene,
Trotzdem wär ich ohne sie in diesem Land so allein und bin noch immer froh ein Teil des Ganzen zu sein.
Still, I would be so alone in this country without it and I am still happy to be a part of it all.
Auch wenn manche MCees und Magazine mich hassen, ich werd' das hier immer machen, nur aus Liebe zur Sache.
Even though some MCees and magazines hate me, I will always do this, just for the love of the thing.
Wer hätte das gedacht, dass ich irgendwann 'ne Goldne krich? Robbe, was sagst du mann? Junge, ich bin stolz auf dich!
Who would have thought that I would get a gold record someday? Robbe, what do you say man? Boy, I'm proud of you!
Wer hätte das Gedacht? Was geht ab, yo? Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Who would have thought? What's up, yo? Who would have thought?
Meine Leute! Wer hätte das Gedacht? Ya, ya! Wer hätte das Gedacht?
My people! Who would have thought? Ya, ya! Who would have thought?
Was geht ab? Wer hätte das Gedacht? Wer hätte das Gedacht?
What's up? Who would have thought? Who would have thought?
Wer hätte das Gedacht? Wer hätte das Gedacht? Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Who would have thought? Who would have thought? Who would have thought?
Ya, ich rap's lieber, text' wieder, komm', lass' mich treiben, all diese Erinnerungen, die für immer bleiben,
Yeah, I'd rather rap it, text it again, come on, let me drift, all these memories that will stay forever,
All diese Verstimmungen unter deines Gleichen. Wenn du das verstehst, Samy, gib mir ein Zeichen! Hey!
All these disagreements among your kind. If you understand that, Samy, give me a sign! Hey!
Es war vieles identisch, jung, schwarz und männlich, mochte nie die Schule, nur für Rap lernte ich Englisch.
It was a lot of the same, young, black and male, never liked school, only learned English for rap.
Endlich konnte ich Reim für Reim auswendig, das war echte Bildung für mich, Reimen unbedenklich.
Finally I could memorize rhyme after rhyme, that was real education for me, rhyming without hesitation.
Lernte viel über Respekt, das es nicht in jedem steckt, über Freiheitskämpfer, Angelsachsen, Malcolm X.
Learned a lot about respect, that it's not in everyone, about freedom fighters, Anglo-Saxons, Malcolm X.
Und down mit PE auf dem Weg zum Planet und mit AC war der Pfad schon gelegt.
And down with PE on the way to the planet and with AC the path was already laid.
Nichts kommt dazwischen, ausser wenn ich es will und saugte Wissen jeden Tag ohne Drill.
Nothing comes between, except when I want it to and sucked up knowledge every day without drilling.
Musik ist was für die, die keiner liebt. Ich schrieb' alles gut auf zu Dynamit.
Music is for those who nobody loves. I wrote it all down well to dynamite.
Auch wenn ich Clubs, Menschenmengen meide bin ich dankbar was ich auch zeige auf Tour, wenn ich vereise.
Even though I avoid clubs, crowds I am grateful what I also show on tour when I travel.
Scheisse Mann, wer hätte das Gedacht, dass ich drei Alben mach' und Stoff hab', der es in sich hat?
Shit man, who would have thought that I would make three albums and have stuff that has it all?
Wer hätte das Gedacht? Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Who would have thought? Who would have thought?
Wer hätte das Gedacht? Woo! Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Who would have thought? Woo! Who would have thought?
Yeah! Wer hätte das Gedacht? Alle leute! Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Yeah! Who would have thought? All people! Who would have thought?
Babe! Unsre Leute! Wer hätte das Gedacht? Wer hätte das Gedacht? Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Babe! Our people! Who would have thought? Who would have thought? Who would have thought?
Da-da-da-da-da! Ah! Da-da-da-da-da! Aha!
Da-da-da-da-da! Ah! Da-da-da-da-da! Aha!
Da-da-da-da-da! Aha! Da-da-da-da-da! Aha!
Da-da-da-da-da! Aha! Da-da-da-da-da! Aha!
Da-da-da-da-da! Yo! Wer hätte das Gedacht? Da-da-da-da-da! Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Da-da-da-da-da! Yo! Who would have thought? Da-da-da-da-da! Who would have thought?
Da-da-da-da-da! Wer hätte das Gedacht? Da-da-da-da-da!
Da-da-da-da-da! Who would have thought? Da-da-da-da-da!
Da-da-da-da-da! Da-da-da-da-da! Da-da-da-da-da! Da-da-da-da-da!
Da-da-da-da-da! Da-da-da-da-da! Da-da-da-da-da! Da-da-da-da-da!
Da-da-da-da-da! Ya! Ya! Wer hätte das Gedacht? Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Da-da-da-da-da! Ya! Ya! Who would have thought? Who would have thought?
Yo! Wer hätte das Gedacht? Das geht raus an... Wer hätte das Gedacht?
Yo! Who would have thought? This goes out to... Who would have thought? unsre Leute! Wer hätte das Gedacht? Wer hätte das Gedacht? our people! Who would have thought? Who would have thought?
Ya! Wer hätte das Gedacht? My man Waajeed! Give it to me!
Ya! Who would have thought? My man Waajeed! Give it to me!

Writer(s): Samy Sorge, Robert Zemichiel, Robert O Bryant

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