AZU - YMD Co.SEAMO - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais AZU - YMD Co.SEAMO

AZU&SEAMO 何度でも このコラボは鉄板
AZU&SEAMO Over and over, this collaboration is a sure thing
それぞれの意味 それぞれの意思 それぞれの役割AからZ
Each meaning, each intention, each role, from A to Z
使って全部言葉にしよう Listen それでは語ろうか...
Let's use them all to put into words, listen, so let's talk...
巡りあって 恋に落ちて
We met, fell in love,
Bound by a red thread of fate,
A gift from God,
愛しすぎる You're my Darling
I love you too much, you're my darling.
出会いは突然に 訪れた冬の始まり
We met suddenly, at the beginning of winter,
名前さえ知らない 照れて話す君に恋したの
I didn't even know your name, I fell in love with you as we talked shyly.
不思議だね もう君無しじゃいれないほど
It's strange, I can't live without you anymore
'I love you,' today and tomorrow,
The bells of happiness are ringing.
髪をなで おでこにKiss、
Stroking your hair, kissing your forehead,
笑う声や しぐさも
Even your laughter and gestures,
Are special gifts,
愛おしい You're my Darling
Precious, you're my darling.
スネた顔 君の匂い
Your pouty face, your scent,
Your kind words,
They're all mine.
愛しすぎる You're my Darling
I love you too much, you're my darling.
初めて君とすれ違った時 2度見どころか3度見4度見
The first time I passed you by, I didn't just look twice, I looked three, four times
見つけちゃった 運命の人 すぐにロックオン そしてゾッコン
Ah, I found you, my運命の人, I locked on immediately and fell head over heels
いつも『恋だの 愛だの』さめてた僕がアンビリーバブル 制御不能
I used to scoff at 'love', but I'm an unbeliever now, I can't control it
本物の恋 離れたくない 押し付けない 愛して 愛されたい
This is real love, I don't want to let go, I love without expecting anything in return
昨日より今日 今日より今 今までで一番好きなのは
I love you more today than I did yesterday, and more now than I did then.
仕事で眼 ギラギラ そんな僕の毎日キラキラ
My eyes sparkle at work, because of you, my everyday life sparkles,
もっと自分を変えよう そう思うから君が望むなら 壁ドン!
I want to change myself more, so I'll do whatever you want, even 'kabe-don'!
似合わないハグ 照れながらキス それができる 全部君のせい
I don't look good hugging you, and I'm embarrassed to kiss you, but I can do it, because it's all your fault.
Without you,
I can't even sleep alone.
'I want to see you...,' no matter what.
Stay by my side, baby.
髪をなでて おでこにKiss、
Stroking your hair, kissing your forehead,
笑う声や しぐさも
Even your laughter and gestures,
Are special gifts,
愛おしい You're my Darling
Precious, you're my darling.
かわいいって 抱きしめてくれる
You hug me and tell me I'm cute.
Even the warmth of your hand,
It's all mine.
愛しすぎる You're my Darling
I love you too much, you're my darling.
Always look at me and only me,
My eyes and heart are glued to you 24 hours a day.
Wherever you are, think of me,
Even if you're on the opposite side of the world.
Tell me you love me every day,
だから歌にしてるだろ? I'm lovin' you
That's why I'm singing this song, I'm lovin' you.
I'm a girl in love with you,
I'm crazy about you...
恋してるから愛してるに変わっていった やっと見つけた
From being in love to loving you, I finally found you.
A special gift.
僕だけの君 君だけの僕 側にいるだけで心地いいよ
You're mine and I'm yours, just being by your side makes me feel good.
髪をなで おでこにKiss、
Stroking your hair, kissing your forehead,
笑う声や しぐさも
Even your laughter and gestures,
Are special gifts,
愛おしい You're my Darling
Precious, you're my darling,
スネた顔 君の匂い
Your pouty face, your scent,
Your kind words,
They're all mine.
愛しすぎる You're my Darling
I love you too much, you're my darling.
You're my Honey
You're my honey,
どれだけ 時が経っても ときめいていられる そんな存在
No matter how much time passes, your heart will always flutter, you're that kind of person
You're my Honey
You're my honey,
ずっといような ずっとずっといような
Let's be together forever, let's be together forever and ever.

Writer(s): Naoki Takada, 浅田将明

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