Abade Al Johar - Watani - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Abade Al Johar - Watani

My Homeland
وطني ماهو أرض ولا بحر
My homeland isn't just land or sea,
ماهو صحرا ولا شجر
It's not merely desert or tree.
أول بيت بأمر الله ارتفع
The first House, by God's command, arose,
قبلة كل من صلى وركع
A prayer's direction, where everyone bows.
مسجد رسول الله للعالم جمع
The Prophet's Mosque, for all the world to see.
رجال صانوا الأمانه
Men who guarded the trust with care,
بكل إيمان وبسالة
With all their faith, and bravery rare.
هذا تاريخ انكتب
This history is written down,
سطرو حرف الذهب
Inscribed in letters of gold renown.
حاضرنا اسطورة
Our present is a legend told,
بالمعنى والصورة
In meaning and in image bold.
لا مستحيل ولا صعب
Nothing's impossible, nothing's hard to bear.
ملكنا حامل الراية
Our King, the bearer of the banner bright,
وسيدي راسم الغايه
My leader, who sets the goal in sight.
أبهرتنا البداية
The beginning amazed us all, you see,
طموحنا ماله نهاية
Our ambition has no end, truly.
وحنا والله قدها
And we, by God, are up to the task,
لو للنجوم مدها
Even if we have to reach for the stars, we'll ask.
رايه تحكي الحكاية
A flag that tells the story so grand,
من البداية للنهاية
From the beginning to the very end.

Writer(s): Abadi Aljohar, Abd Alilah Allam

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