Adala - Malafici - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Adala - Malafici

I si em fas la pregunta
If you're asking me
D'on ve tot el que escric
Where all my lyrics come from
Espera't que faig punta
Just wait while I sharpen
I amb aquest beat t'ho dic
And I'll tell you with this beat
Si el teu estil conjunta
If your style matches
Amb el meu nou vestit
With my new suit
Si creus que avui despunta
If you think today is dawning
És perquè l'he cosit
It's because I sewed it
Amb les mateixes mans que aguanto
With the same hands that I hold
El batec del meu pit
The beating of my heart
Amb les que avui planto
With the ones that I plant today
I demà colliré el fruit
And tomorrow I'll reap the fruit
Creu-me que mai ostento
Believe me, I never pretend
Semblar de cap elit
To look like an elite
Si això que avui et canto
If what I sing to you today
Vaig escriure-ho deprimit
I wrote in depression
Hi ha una foscor que sento
There is a darkness I feel
Des de que sóc petit
Ever since I was little
Per això sempre m'espanto
That's why I always get scared
Quan algú m'ha aplaudit
When someone applauds me
Totes les pluges conto
I count all the rains
Ja no em queda ni un dit
I don't have a finger left
Creu-me que encara intento
Believe me, I'm still trying
Entendre el que et vaig
To understand what I'm going to
Dir amb la pregunta
Tell you with the question
Quantes pluges han de caure
How many rains must fall
Per fer créixer un nou arbre
To grow a new tree
Que em serveixi d'aixopluc (Que em serveixi d'aixopluc)
That will shelter me (That will shelter me)
Des de l'inici, massa vici, massa sacrifici
From the beginning, too much vice, too much sacrifice
Massa és el risc que visc a la punta del precipici
Too much is the risk I live on the edge of the precipice
Apunta't cada passa, passa que no és cap caprici
Write down every step, step that is not a whim
Difícil és sentir-te atret pel malefici
Difficult is to feel attracted to evil
He volgut créixer tan amunt que vaig perdre la calma
I wanted to grow so high that I lost my calm
He trigat massa a fer fruit i ara em moro de gana
I took too long to bear fruit and now I'm dying of hunger
He plorat totes les tardors del fred, n'he fet un drama
I have cried all the autumns of cold, I have made a drama of it
La primavera m'ha confós i ara no què em passa
Spring has confused me and now I don't know what's wrong with me
Quantes pluges han de caure
How many rains must fall
Per fer créixer un nou arbre
To grow a new tree
Que em serveixi d'aixopluc
That will shelter me
T'ho diré cinc
I'll tell you five
Tinc les vides d'un gat i has de saber que hem queden sis
I have the lives of a cat and you should know that I have six left
Les passaré a l'ermita, intentat passar la set
I'll spend them at the hermitage, trying to quench my thirst
Vaig caure a la marmita i ara mai em sento vuit
I fell into the cauldron and now I never feel eight
Això que escric és serio, escolta-ho comencem de nou
What I write is serious, listen to it, let's start again
Tinc les vides d'un gat i has de saber que hem queden sis
I have the lives of a cat and you should know that I have six left
Les passaré a l'ermita intentat passar la set
I'll spend them at the hermitage trying to quench my thirst
Vaig caure a la marmita i ara mai em sento vuit
I fell into the cauldron and now I never feel eight
Blank Fosk és serio, escolta'l
Blank Fosk is serious, listen to him
Quantes pluges han de caure
How many rains must fall
Per fer créixer un nou arbre
To grow a new tree
Que em serveixi d'aixopluc
That will shelter me
Que em serveixi d'aixopluc
That will shelter me
Quantes pluges han de caure
How many rains must fall
Per fer créixer un nou arbre
To grow a new tree
Que em serveixi d'aixopluc
That will shelter me

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