Adala - No Shirk - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Adala - No Shirk

No Shirk
No Shirk
Creu-me, no vull arribar enlloc
Believe me, I don't want to arrive anywhere
Només vull saber qui soc
I just want to know who I am
En aquest món, d'ídols i profetes
In this world of idols and prophets
De pocs camins i masses metes
With few paths and many goals
Quan sembla que no tinc sort
When it seems that I have no luck
Sento que em vaig fent més fort
I feel that I am becoming stronger
Cada mur que destrueixo
Every wall I destroy
Cada cop que no em rendeixo
Every time I don't give up
Recordo el que vas dir
I remember what you said
Déu ets tu, Déu ets tu
God is you, God is you
No idolatris a ningú
Don't idolize anyone
Pensa per tu, pensa per tu
Think for yourself, think for yourself
No idolatris a ningú
Don't idolize anyone
Creu en tu, fes-ho per tu
Believe in yourself, do it for yourself
No esperis res de ningú
Don't expect anything from anyone
Valora't tu i només tu
Value yourself and only yourself
No t'atabalo a ningú
Don't depend on anyone
Vinc d'un món
I come from a world
On ser sensible és ser valent
Where being sensitive is being brave
On no és fàcil
Where it's not easy
Deixar fluir el teu propi vent
To let your own wind flow
Vinc d'un món
I come from a world
On ens diuen com hem de ser i tot el que fer
Where we are told how to be and what to do
Però no ens ensenyen a saber qui volem ser
But we are not taught to know who we want to be
Hi ha una corrent
There is a current
Que està acabant amb el que és diferent
That is ending what is different
Noto el cabal
I feel the flow
Si paro vaig a contracorrent
If I stop, I will go against the current
Hi ha una corrent
There is a current
Que ens diu com hem de ser i tot el que fer
That tells us how to be and what to do
Difícil és poder saber qui volem ser
It is difficult to be able to know who we want to be
Recordo el que em vas dir
I remember what you told me
Déu ets tu, Déu ets tu
God is you, God is you
No idolatris a ningú
Don't idolize anyone
Pensa per tu, pensa per tu
Think for yourself, think for yourself
No idolatris a ningú
Don't idolize anyone
Creu en tu, fes-ho per tu
Believe in yourself, do it for yourself
No esperis res de ningú
Don't expect anything from anyone
Valora't tu i només tu
Value yourself and only yourself
No t'atabalo a ningú
Don't depend on anyone

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