Adan "Chalino" Sanchez - Guerrillero 100% (Version Banda) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Adan "Chalino" Sanchez - Guerrillero 100% (Version Banda)

Guerrillero 100% (Version Banda)
Guerrillero 100% (Banda Version)
Yo era aquel patito feo
I was that ugly duckling
El que siempre hacian a un lado
The one who was always pushed aside
Era el cheque que botaba
I was the check that bounced
Sin aber fondo en el banco
Without having any funds in the bank
Mi opinion nunca contaba
My opinion never counted
Siempre me abian pisoteado
I was always being trampled upon
Ahora salgo de la nada
Now I'm coming out of nowhere
Y llege tumbando a varios
And I've knocked down a few
Los que se reian de mi
Those who laughed at me
Ahora le andan batallando
Are now struggling
Los que siempre me ignoraban
Those who always ignored me
Ahora ya me andan buscando
Are now looking for me
Dicen leyes de la vida
They say the laws of life
Lo que sube tambien baja
What goes up, must come down
Ya se a llegado la hora
Well, the time has come
Y empacar no pienso nada
And I don't intend to pack up and go
Los que yo ande presumiendo
Those who I am bragging about
Pero se hiso la machaca
But it's done, it's over
Dice un dicho que es muy cierto
There's a saying that's very true
Nunca es bueno apresurar
It's never good to rush
Las cosas llegan solitas
Things come by themselves
No las tienes que buscar
You don't have to look for them
La vida da muchas vueltas
Life takes many turns
Despues te as de emparejar
Later you have to even out
Las alas de una gran ave
The wings of a great bird
Son las que a mi me acompanan
Are the ones that accompany me
La garras de una gran fiera
The claws of a great beast
Son las que cuidan mi espalda
Are the ones that guard my back
A ellos dos les agradesco
I thank them both
Son los filos de mi espada
They are the edges of my sword
Guerrillero 100%
100% Guerrilla
Yo quiero seguir luchando
I want to keep fighting
Este campo de batalla
This battlefield
De chiquito me a quedado
Has been with me since I was little
Solo le pido a mi Dios
I only ask my God
Que yo me muera volando
That I may die flying

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