Addy Khayal - Edisi Terhad - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Addy Khayal - Edisi Terhad

Edisi Terhad
Limited Edition
Gua nak fingering tunang lu sampai dia buang cincin,
I wanna finger your fiancee until she removes the ring,
Tak mintak izin dia kangkang aku jilat licin
I don't ask for permission, I spread her legs and lick her clean
Korang terpaksa kahwin awal sebab dia bunting,
You guys had to get married early because she's pregnant,
Tu anak gua tu lu dah kene kencing,
That's my son you've been pissing,
Rahsia tinggal rahsia yang dulu dia bohsia,
Secrets remain secrets that she used to keep,
Ramai sangat yang rasa dia semua kata best sia,
So many people think everything she says is the best,
Takde beza dengan barat walau ini malaysia,
No difference from the West even though this is Malaysia,
Nak cerita banyak lagi tapi malas siaa,
I want to tell you more, but I'm just lazy,
Ada awek dm aku dalam instagram,
There's a girl that DMs me on Instagram,
Maki aku hamun aku macam dia yang kene main,
She curses and insults me like she's the one who got played,
Maaflah ini semua rambang,
I'm sorry, this is all nonsense,
Jangan jerit bukak mulut nnti abang bagi batang,
Don't scream and open your mouth, or I'll give you a pole,
Dorang tak puas hati kenapa asyik cerita pasal perempuan,
They're not satisfied. Why do I always talk about women,
Okay kali ini aku selit sikit pasal jantan,
Okay, this time I'll mix it up a bit and talk about men,
Lepas ni dah takde isu berat sebelah,
After this, there will be no more accusations of bias,
Walaupun bahu kiri jatuh yang kanan tegak,
Even though my left shoulder is drooping, my right shoulder is still strong,
Happy one month anniversary,
Happy one month anniversary,
Video kunyit tengah pegang panda jibby,
Video of the bride holding a panda jibby,
Elok elok ada pisang tapi kau sibuk nak buang,
There's a banana right there, but you're busy throwing it away,
Bro, jubo lu tu dah boleh muat 10 batang,
Bro, your mouth can fit 10 poles,
Pisang, apa nak jadi,
Bananas, what will become of them,
Ramai laki tabur janji tapi satu pun tak jadi,
Many men make promises but none of them come true,
Ayat pancing nak bawak ke pelamin,
Sweet words to lead you to the altar,
Misi sebenarnya cuma nak usik alat kelamin,
Their real mission is just to play with your genitals,
I cinta you till jannah, jadah,
I love you till paradise, you piece of shit,
Belum kahwin tapi semua dah dedah,
Not even married but you've already exposed everything,
Ayat laki manis janji cinta sampai mati,
Men's sweet words promise love till death,
Bila dah dapat rasa hari hari, lari,
When they've had their fill, day after day, they run away,
I busy buat dua kerja takde masa for you,
I'm busy working two jobs, I don't have time for you,
Pagi kerja pomen malam romen kerjakan member you,
Mechanic by day, gigolo by night, working for your man,
Terkantoi, tapi dia yang mula dulu,
Caught red-handed, but she started it first,
Walau kalah dengan nafsu but i still ingat kat you,
Even though I lost to temptation, I still remember you,
Jantan penipu jantan tak guna,
Men are cheaters, men are useless,
Bosan lah aku tu ayat biasa,
I'm tired of this same old story,
Jadi headline dalam mastika, pelik
It's a headline in Mastika, strange
'Betina kene guna walau jantan tak guna'
'Use the women even though the men are useless'
Jantan tak guna tapi betina kene guna
Men are useless, but women should use them
Yall get it,
Y'all get it,
Betina kene guna walau jantan tak guna, hahahab
Women should use men even though they're useless, LOL
Okay kembali lari dalam track anggap macam
Okay, let's get back on track and imagine
Balapan, berhadapan dengan aku buat korang dimalapkan,
A race. You'll be humiliated when you face me,
Kelembapan mentaliti jadikan kau lambat,
Your slow mentality makes you slow,
Otak lacking sebab sempit macam legging sendat, shit,
Your brain is lacking because it's as tight as leggings, shit,
Ramai sangat nak jadi rappers aku jadi perogol,
So many wannabe rappers, I'm a rapist,
Perkosa telinga dengan kosa kata aku sondol,
Raping your ears with my vocabulary, I'm a savage,
Jangan kacau aku aku bukannya dodol,
Don't mess with me, I'm not a fool,
Kalau tak reti berlagu pergi jumpa podol,
If you can't sing, go see a vocal coach,
Korang dah kene badi gelar korang badigol,
You've been cursed, I call you cursed,
Tak main tembak tembak sebab aku takde pistol,
I don't play with guns because I don't have a gun,
Jadi bila jumpa musuh aku cuma bagi peace LOL
So when I meet an enemy, I just give them peace, LOL
Takde emoji gelak nangis cuma lirik tak berlapis,
No laughing and crying emojis, just unfiltered lyrics,
Teringin nak tapis tapi tak mampu pasang
I would like to filter them, but I can't afford
Coway, gaji kecik tak mampu tanggung kos wey,
to install Coway. My salary is too low to cover the cost,
Sebab tu awek lari pergi pusat karoeke,
That's why my girl ran away to a karaoke bar,
Jadi laki ni susah banyak fikir masalah,
Being a man is hard, lots of problems to think about,
Sebab tu sajat tukar jantina lari dari lumrah,
That's why Sajat changed his gender, defying nature,
Mula dalam kan lurah jual produk dengan mudah,
He started in a cave, selling products easily,
Langsung dilabel murah walau mahal kos nak bedah,
Immediately labeled as cheap, even though the surgery was expensive,

Writer(s): Addy Khayal, Yung Kyubi

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