Adiss - Drahý Bože - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Adiss - Drahý Bože

Drahý Bože
Dear God
Drahý Bože,
Dear God,
Občas mi vadí to že,
Sometimes it bothers me that,
Nenájde sa nikto kto mi odstráni tie jazvy z kože.
No one can find anyone who will remove these scars from my skin.
Tie rany čo na srdci mám
The wounds on my heart
Nech ich není vidno tak pred svetlom unikám.
So that they are not visible, so I hide from the light.
Možno práve preto blúdim sám
Maybe that's why I wander alone
Ďalšiu noc
Another night
Mám dosť som samotár a vyhýbam sa skupinám.
I'm tired of being a loner and avoiding groups.
Ďalšiu noc
Another night
Sám v štúdiu zavretý, Ďalšiu no dám keď mi tu nahá cupitá
Alone in the studio, I'll give another night when she comes naked here
No to není korisť, není výhra, není gól
But that's not a prey, not a win, not a goal
Není to čo naozaj chcem, není čistá,
It's not what I really want, it's not clean,
Není alright.
It's not alright.
A není ani z polovice dokonalá,
And it's not even half perfect,
Není ani z polovice môj sen.
It's not even half my dream.
Ďalšia čo pôjde no dôjde jej
Another one who will go but will come to
časom, že mi ide len o to mať s ňou sex.
time, that I'm just interested in having sex with her.
Drahý Bože
Dear God
Ja hľadím hore
I look up
Každý deň akoby bol posledný.
Every day as if it were my last.
Fakt mi povedz, ak si otec
Tell me, if you are a father
Prečo svoje deti postrelíš?
Why do you shoot your children?
Občas mám pocit, že sa na svete nič nezmení.
Sometimes I feel like nothing will change in the world.
Že si len nádej pre tých zmätených.
That you are just hope for those who are confused.
Že si len viera čo nás aj tak drží väznených.
That you are just a belief that keeps us imprisoned anyway.
A preto neverím, že píšem ti keď vlastne v teba neverím.
And that's why I don't believe that I'm writing to you when I don't really believe in you.
Neverím, ja v teba neverím
I don't believe, I don't believe in you
Píšem ti v daždi list, tak odceň
I'm writing you a letter in the rain, so appreciate
že sa jebem s ním.
that I'm messing with him.
Neverím, ani slovo neverím a
I don't believe, I don't believe a word and
Nebudem kým postoj ku mne nezmeníš.
I won't until you change your attitude towards me.
Povedz mi niečo o vojnách.
Tell me something about wars.
O tom, že nás o chvíľu zasiahne strela.
That that bullet will hit us in a moment.
Ako môžeš dovoliť zbrane?
How can you allow weapons?
To vážne sa pýtam, či fakt nás je tak veľa?
I'm seriously asking, are there really so many of us?
A prečo tých pár hore ostatných rozhodujú
And why do those few up there decide for the rest
Ako keby fakt nám treba
As if we really need
Nechať sa jebať za 10 eur na deň a
To get fucked for 10 euros a day and
Strácame sa v medziach čo vlastne môžeme
We are lost in the boundaries of what we actually can
A čo proste musíme.
And what we simply have to.
A to čo nemôžeme,
And what we can't,
Ale hlavne, to čo nemusíme.
But most importantly, what we don't have to.
A ty nemusíš nič, len sám sebe veriť za troch.
And you don't have to do anything, just believe in yourself for three.
Možno ti potom odpíše aj Boh.
Maybe then God will write back to you.
Možno nenapíše sloh, ale urobí to čo si praješ, keď praješ si dosť.
Maybe not write an essay, but do what you wish when you wish enough.
A nemyslím modlenie, bože nie
And I don't mean praying, God no
Myslím skutok čo poženie
I mean the deed that will drive
To snenie do bežnej reality, Bože vedz, že mi bojujeme dosť
That dreaming into everyday reality, God you know we are fighting enough
No ľudia umierajú aj tak.
But people are dying anyway.
Povedz mi kde si teraz keď ťa treba
Tell me where you are now when you are needed
A nie je tu mier a sa tak stále nemusíme báť,
And there is no peace and we don't have to be so afraid all the time,
že musíme mať čip aby nás nedusil ten štát,
that we have to have a chip so that the state doesn't suffocate us,
Nebudíme strach a tak si robia čo chcú.
We don't inspire fear and so they do what they want.
A ja sa pýtam drahý Bože
And I ask you, dear God
Kedy nás oslobodíš a vyberieš konečne
When will you free us and finally take out the
Nám z rany nože?
Knives from our wounds?
Povedz ako je možné, že ti každý verí?
Tell me, how is it possible that everyone believes in you?
Aj tak necháš tie ženy, nech trpia po znásilnení.
You still let those women suffer after being raped.
Že ti blbo není.
That you are not stupid.
Drahý Bože
Dear God
Ja hľadím hore
I look up
Každý deň akoby bol posledný.
Every day as if it were my last.
Fakt mi povedz, ak si otec
Tell me, if you are a father
Prečo svoje deti postrelíš?
Why do you shoot your children?
Občas mám pocit, že sa na svete nič nezmení.
Sometimes I feel like nothing will change in the world.
Že si len nádej pre tých zmätených.
That you are just hope for those who are confused.
Že si len viera čo nás aj tak drží väznených.
That you are just a belief that keeps us imprisoned anyway.
A preto neverím, že píšem ti
And that's why I don't believe that I'm writing to you
Keď vlastne v teba neverím.
When I don't really believe in you.
Neverím, ja v teba neverím
I don't believe, I don't believe in you
Píšem ti v daždi list, tak odceň
I'm writing you a letter in the rain, so appreciate
že sa jebem s ním.
that I'm messing with him.
Neverím, ani slovo neverím a
I don't believe, I don't believe a word and
Nebudem kým postoj ku mne nezmeníš.
I won't until you change your attitude towards me.

Writer(s): Adam Miscik

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