Admiral P - Cover Me - Livet Er Så Sweet - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Admiral P - Cover Me - Livet Er Så Sweet

Cover Me - Livet Er Så Sweet
Cover Me - Life Is So Sweet
Hei du, ikke vær deppa,
Hey there, don't be so down,
Elsk livet du lever og lev livet som du elsker
Love the life you live and live the life you love
Admiral P er saken.
Admiral P is on the case.
Du sitter helt alene, du har gjort det lenge
You sit all alone, you've been doing it for a long time now
Du sitter ensom kveld for kveld, og sier ingen ringer på.
You sit lonely night after night, and say no one rings the bell.
Du skulle hatt ei dame, som kunne snakke litt med deg,
You should have a lady, who could talk to you a little,
Slutt å klag og slutt og syt prøv å finn din egen vei.
Stop complaining and stop whining, try to find your own way.
For livet er sweet, aha, man høster som man sår det,
Because life is so sweet, aha, you reap what you sow,
For livet er sweet, aha, prøv å tenk noe positivt.
Because life is so sweet, aha, try to think something positive.
For livet er sweet, aha, de som gir det ja, de får det.
Because life is so sweet, aha, those who give it, yes, they get it.
For livet er sweet aha, for du er sjefen i ditt liv.
Because life is so sweet aha, because you are the boss of your life.
Ikke tenk penger, ikke tenkt Chervrolet,
Don't think about money, don't think about Chevrolet,
Ett skritt om gangen Bror, ikke bli forvirret av det.
One step at a time, brother, don't get confused by it.
Du er fortsatt ensom, ikke skyld fluss og spenn,
You are still lonely, don't blame the flu and money,
For penger ække alt, du tro det min venn.
Because money isn't everything, you have to believe that, my friend.
For livet er sweet, aha, man høster som man sår det,
Because life is so sweet, aha, you reap what you sow,
For livet er sweet, aha, prøv å tenk noe positivt.
Because life is so sweet, aha, try to think something positive.
For livet er sweet, aha, de som gir det ja, de får det.
Because life is so sweet, aha, those who give it, yes, they get it.
For livet er sweet aha, for du er sjefen i ditt liv.
Because life is so sweet aha, because you are the boss of your life.
For er helgen kommet, ikke finn noe tull
Because now the weekend has come, don't do anything stupid
Det er farlig uti der, ulven har seg ull,
It's dangerous out there, the wolf is wearing wool,
Vi er konger vi er dronninger ikke kall oss null,
We are kings, we are queens, so don't call us zero,
Sier du liker ikke livet men du elsker det i skjul.
You say you don't like life, but you love it in secret.
For man får det man søker, du nesten tro meg,
Because you get what you seek, you almost have to believe me,
Vær takknemlig for ditt liv, ja det anbefaler jeg.
Be grateful for your life, yes, I recommend it.
Selv om alt virker vanskelig, og du er vir'klig lei deg,
Even if everything seems difficult, and you are really tired,
Tenkt deg godt om, om det du har.
Think carefully about what you have.
For livet er sweet, aha, man høster som man sår det,
Because life is so sweet, aha, you reap what you sow,
For livet er sweet, aha, prøv å tenk noe positivt.
Because life is so sweet, aha, try to think something positive.
For livet er sweet, aha, de som gir det ja, de får det.
Because life is so sweet, aha, those who give it, yes, they get it.
For livet er sweet aha, for du er sjefen i ditt liv.
Because life is so sweet aha, because you are the boss of your life.
Fra ditt lille vindu, ser du alt som skjer,
From your small window, you see everything that happens,
Alle folka utenfor som koser seg og ler
All the people outside having fun and laughing
Du sier alt er kjedelig, og du er alltid trøtt,
You say everything is boring, and you are always tired,
Du finne meningen om hvorfor du ble født.
You have to find the meaning of why you were born.
For livet er sweet, aha, man høster som man sår det,
Because life is so sweet, aha, you reap what you sow,
For livet er sweet, aha, prøv å tenk noe positivt.
Because life is so sweet, aha, try to think something positive.
For livet er sweet, aha, de som gir det ja, de får det.
Because life is so sweet, aha, those who give it, yes, they get it.
For livet er sweet aha, for du er sjefen i ditt liv.
Because life is so sweet aha, because you are the boss of your life.

Writer(s): Lars Kilevold

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