Adriano Celentano - Una Storia Come Questa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Adriano Celentano - Una Storia Come Questa

Una Storia Come Questa
Such a Story
Mi dicevano gli amici apri gli occhi
My friends told me open your eyes
Quella donna non ti sposa per amore...
That woman doesn't marry you for love...
Finge un bene che non prova
She pretends a love that she doesn't feel
Pensa solo a sistemarsi mi dicevano gli amici...
She only thinks of getting settled my friends told me...
Io con loro mi arrabbiavo,
I got angry with them
Tutti porci li chiamavo e come no...
I called them all pigs and how not...
Voi parlate per invidia,
You talk out of envy,
Non vedete che è sincera e anche se...
Can't you see that she's sincere and even if...
Anche se lei mi sposasse per i soldi cosa importa a voi...
Even if she married me for the money what does it matter to you...
Ma cosa avete dentro al cuore,
What do you have in your heart,
Belli amici mi ritrovo
Nice friends I find myself with
Voi parlate e non capite,
You talk and you don't understand,
Non mi importa del suo amore
I don't care about her love
A me basta che rimanga una vita insieme a me,
It's enough for me that she stays a lifetime with me,
Io l'amo tanto... e l'amerò.
I love her so much... and I will love her.
Le piacevano i gioielli,
She liked the jewels,
Le pellicce di visone, le piacevano i regali...
The mink furs, she liked the gifts...
Alla lunga i suoi capricci,
In the long run her whims,
Mi asciugavano le tasche e rimasi senza soldi...
Dried out my pockets and I was left with no money...
Lei mi dice cosa aspetti,
She says to me what are you waiting for,
Vuoi mandarmi sulla strada... pensa un pò...
Do you want to send me to the street... think about it...
L'uomo furbo rischia grosso,
The cunning man risks big,
Tenta un colpo e gli va bene,
He tries a coup and it goes well,
Ma però...
But however...
Mi andò male il colpo gobbo,
My hunch went badly wrong,
Una ruota in curva mi scoppiò...
A wheel burst on a bend...
E mentre mi portavan via,
And while they were taking me away,
C'era un uomo alle sue spalle,
There was a man behind her,
Si faceva accompagnare,
He had himself escorted,
Mentre mi poratavan via io guardavo le sue mani,
While they were taking me away I looked at his hands,
Che stringevano altre mani,
That were gripping other hands,
Ed al mio pianto... non si voltò.
And at my tears... he didn't turn around.
Stare dentro c'è un inferno,
Being locked up is hell,
Uno pensa tante cose,
You think so many things,
Mi prudevano le mani...
My hands were itching...
Ma il mio cuore traboccava
But my heart overflowed
Di un amore senza fine e la voleva perdonare...
With an endless love and I wanted to forgive her...
Finalmente sono fuori
Finally I'm out
Lei mi dice delinquente,
She says to me criminal,
Proprio a me...
Right to me...
Li per li non c'ho più visto,
There and then I couldn't see anymore,
L'ho afferrata per la gola e sempre più...
I grabbed her by the throat and ever tighter...
La stringevo forte e gli occhi suoi sembravano più grandi...
I squeezed her hard and her eyes seemed larger...
E mentre mi portavan via,
And while they were taking me away,
Eran bianche le sue mani
Her hands were white
Era fredda la sua pelle,
Her skin was cold,
Io guardavo e non capivo...
I looked and didn't understand...
Mentre mi portavan via,
While they were taking me away,
Era mani le sue bianche,
Her hands were white,
Era pelle la sua fredda,
Her skin was cold,
C'era il treno sulla nebbia...
There was a train in the fog...
Mentre mi portavan via
While they were taking me away
C'era nebbia sulla fredda,
There was fog on the cold,
Era treno la sua bianca,
Her white was a train,
La maestra mi picchiava.
The teacher was beating me.
Mentre mi portavan via,
While they were taking me away,
Mi piacchiava la maestra,
The teacher was beating me,
Treno, pelle, bianca, nebbia... la maestra sulla fredda...
Train, skin, white, fog... the teacher on the cold...
Mentre mi portavan bianca...
While they were taking me away white...

Writer(s): Michele Del Prete, Goffredo Canarini

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