Es la quincena y la nena tiene el vestido de reina ya sabe que está noche tiene que bajar bandera, mientras tanto comienza su deleite se derrite con perfume maquillaje y un labial que la estremece y como siempre su figura no le gusta por eso va al gimnasio antes de ir a la ducha es la envidia de muchas lo nota y lo disfruta como fruta prohibida irónica camina hacia la ducha recuerda a su padre por la cicatriz que le dejó en su tatuaje bajando por la espalda llegó tarde de una fiesta y con furia fue golpeada lloraba de la rabia la pequeña malcriada y dándose mejor vida, aunque lleve una sonrisa de aquel trauma no se olvida
It's the fifteenth and the girl has her queen dress on already she knows that tonight she has to lower her flag meanwhile, her delight begins she melts with perfume, makeup, and a lipstick that thrills her and, as always, she doesn't like her figure so she goes to the gym before going to the shower she's the envy of many she notices and enjoys it as a forbidden fruit she walks ironically to the shower remembers her father because of the scar he left on her tattoo down her back she arrived late from a party and was furiously beaten she cried from the rage the little brat and giving herself a better life although she wears a smile of that trauma she doesn't forget
Pero, así que asi la envidian por ser diosa de la belleza y esclava de la codicia su apartamento es grande como cheques que cobra sus perfumes son tan finos que vienen Europa tiene siempre abrigos y un cofre lleno de joyas si elegancia es tan pura que derrite coronas su mirada penetrante enamora hasta un espejo zapatos extra finos y armario extenso labial y cigarrillo con su bolso que es de cuero está lista en maquillaje preparado está su cuerpo.
But, so they envy her for being a goddess of beauty and a slave to greed her apartment is as big as the checks she collects her perfumes are so fine that they come from Europe she always has coats and a chest full of jewels her elegance is so pure that it melts crowns her penetrating gaze makes even a mirror fall in love extra fine shoes and an extensive wardrobe lipstick and a cigarette with her leather purse she's ready in her makeup her body is prepared.
El vestido rojo, ella lo escoge a su gusto, no es chica de muchos ella escoge a su antojo prefiere hombres cultos que parezcan de casa no importa la raza mientras no sean tan adultos, no quiere verse como chicas de burdeles, una reina vestida, tímida y rostro de mujer
The red dress, she chooses it to her liking, she's not a girl of many she chooses at her whim she prefers cultured men who look like they are from home no matter the race as long as they're not so old, she doesn't want to look like girls from brothels, a dressed queen, shy and with a woman's face
Pero se esconde en una blusa con escote su pinta labios brilla pa la esperada noche, llega el coche que pidió hace un momento el taxi la recoge en su apartamento en el centro rumbo hacia la rumba en la penumbra cimarrón, por si las moscas guarda el revolver smith wesson
But she hides in a low-cut blouse her lipstick shines for the awaited night the car she ordered a while ago arrives the taxi picks her up at her downtown apartment heading to the rumba in the darkness just in case she keeps the Smith
& Wesson revolver
Es noche de concierto en el sitio de costumbre si el taxi se detiene no habrá quien la dislumbre
It's concert night at the usual spot if the taxi stops there will be no one to outshine her
El tapete es largo rojo, igual que su vestido, abran paso a la dueña de la noche que ha venido es algo conocida reciben su abrigo todo hombre es congelado en un segundo de suspiros y con un cigarro muchos ceden el puesto, de nada sirve un caballero si no hay dinero con su olfato e instinto de madam sin miedo provoca hormonas en botellas para hombres sedientos, mira aquel hombre de la esquina con rosa en el pecho tu ya sabes sonríe bella aparenta algo de nervios, sin caricias ni fraseos sólo morbo y deseo, Y si tienes asco bajalo con wisky del añejo.
The carpet is long red, just like her dress, make way for the owner of the night who has arrived she's somewhat known they take her coat every man is frozen in a second of sighs and with a cigarette, many give up their seat, a gentleman is no use if there's no money with her scent and instinct of a madam without fear she provokes hormones in bottles for thirsty men, look at that man in the corner with a rose on his chest you know, smile pretty pretend to be a little nervous, no caresses or phrases just morbidness and desire, and if you're disgusted wash it down with aged whiskey.
Un cuello blanco basta un empresario es la presa la chica de rojo de gancho ya está en su mesa, ya no es novata, ya es una reina. directo al grano el propone una suma, y un buen trago ella se ríe pues su tarifa es de alto rango, La realeza se lo exige, no escatimar en gastos
A white collar is enough a businessman is the prey the girl in red is hooked and is already at his table, she's no longer a novice, she's already a queen straight to the point he proposes a sum, and a good drink she laughs because her rate is high-end, royalty demands it, no skimping on expenses
Lo que el padrastro le corrige y le exige
What the stepfather corrects her and demands of her
No puedes tener juguetes
You can't have toys
Ya, es su desquite
Now, it's her revenge
Consigue novio temporal, bailar
2 piezas con el
Get a temporary boyfriend, dance
2 songs with him
Antes de salir del bar
Before leaving the bar
Un carro blanco, blanco espera en la entrada
A white, white car waits at the entrance
Y una cama de hotel, preparada con champagne
And a hotel bed, prepared with champagne
Duerme la noche y a un comienza la mañana
Sleep the night and morning begins
Él se encuentra un poco ebrio y ella un poco cansada
He finds himself a little drunk and she a little tired
Con su mirada dice todo, espera que sea rápido
With her eyes, she says it all, she hopes it will be quick
Salir, tratar de olvidarlo todo todo.
Leave, try to forget everything, everything.
Pronto se acercan a la entrada
Soon they approach the entrance
Lo nota un poco agresivo y ofensivo con palabras
She notices him a little aggressive and offensive with words
Lo confirma, cuando la empuja hacia la cama
He confirms it when he pushes her towards the bed
Ella cae fuerte y recibe una bofetada
She falls hard and receives a slap
Enfurecida, por no saber lo que pasa
Enraged, for not knowing what's happening
Trata de salir corriendo y la golpea por la espalda
She tries to run away and he hits her on the back
En su tatuaje, donde el padrastro la golpeaba
On her tattoo, where her stepfather used to hit her
Enceguecida por el odio, la pequeña malcriada
Blinded by hate, the little brat
De su bolso saca el revolver, muy poco piensa
Takes the revolver out of her purse, she barely thinks
Esos recuerdos de su infancia, están cobrando fuerza
Those memories of her childhood are gaining strength
Y más la aprieta, el borracho desprevenido
And the drunk squeezes her harder, caught off guard
La reina de rojo aprieta con fuerza el gatillo.
The queen in red pulls the trigger hard.
En su delirio un millón de gotas, manchan su culpa
In her delirium, a million drops stain her guilt
Una bala en la cabeza, calmo toda su furia
A bullet to the head calmed all her fury
Más fue los segundos en jalar solo el gatillo
But it was the seconds of pulling just the trigger
Que aquel hombre en dar su último respiro
That the man took his last breath
Las voces en cabezas del amante asesinado
The voices in the murdered lover's head
Prefiere devolver tiempo a que la hubiera matado
He'd rather go back in time than have killed her
Coge el bolso y tacones, entre sus propias manos
She takes her purse and heels in her own hands
El tiempo es algo corto, pero así paras un auto
Time is short, but that's how you stop a car
Que acelere, y no pregunte nada
That accelerates, and doesn't ask anything
Pero es noticia y en la radio te dan algo de fama
But it's news and on the radio, they give you some fame
El taxista te nota algo más que un poco nerviosa
The taxi driver notices you're more than a little nervous
Mientras se a orilla a un reten que, hace la zona
While he pulls over to a checkpoint, which is in the area
Se busca una asesina, acabo con empresario
They're looking for a murderer, I finished off a businessman
Tu corazón palpita tanto que suena en el carro
Your heart is beating so hard that it can be heard in the car
Las machas de sangre que no salen, entre tus manos
The bloodstains that won't come off your hands
Mientras un policía te dice, baja del auto...
While a policeman tells you, get out of the car...
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