Aerozen - OH SHIT - traduction des paroles en anglais

OH SHIT - Aerozentraduction en anglais

Maer gotta be going so crazy, so crazy, so crazy
Baby gotta be going so crazy, so crazy, so crazy
Ye, mi-a zis că-s skinny, mai pun mine kile
You said I'm skinny, I need to gain some weight
I-am zis dau prea multe le țin mine
I told you I spend too much to keep the weight
Am început beau alcool treacă zile
I started drinking alcohol to get through the days
Tre' să-nghit patru pastile simt bine
I have to swallow pills to feel okay
Astea nu-s filme, e realitatea
These aren't movies, this is reality
joc cu moartea
I'm playing with death
Din LV-n petrecere, întrecere doar noaptea
From Las Vegas to partying, competition only at night
Am mulți frați cu mine, la fiecare-i fac partea
I have many brothers with me, I do my part for each one
Z-Z-Z-Z-Zenu', câștig fanii, zici că-i leapșa
Z-Z-Z-Z-Zenu, I'm winning the fans, you'd think it was leapfrog
Ooh shit, facem profit
Ooh shit, we're making profit
All white outfit
All white outfit
Pizde-n casting
Bitches in casting
Nasty, she dirty dancing
Nasty, she dirty dancing
She not my bestie
She not my bestie
Dar rupe bestii
But she breaks beasts
Ia-l, am făcut un val și-l stăpânesc
Take it, I made a wave and I control it
Iubește-mă bune, strălucesc
Love me for real, I shine
Iubește-mă bune, spune-mi Zaddy
Love me for real, call me Zaddy
Număr cinci mii de dimineață, deci nu-s lazy
Counting five thousand in the morning, so I'm not lazy
Mi-a zis că-s skinny, mai pun mine kile
You said I'm skinny, I need to gain some weight
I-am zis dau prea multe le țin mine
I told you I spend too much to keep the weight
Am început beau alcool treacă zile
I started drinking alcohol to get through the days
Tre' să-nghit patru pastile simt bine
I have to swallow pills to feel okay
putea zice în versuri câte-am scos din dresuri
I could say in verse all the panties I've taken off
Am secrete-n buzunare, da' nu-mi schimbă mersu'
I have secrets, but my way of walking doesn't change
Nu vezi, am folii-n geamuri, da' recunoști Merțu'
You don't see me, I have tints, but you recognize the Mercedes
îmbrac în negru doar așa, în caz că-mi moare chefu'
I dress in black just like that, in case I lose my nerve
Vrei fii ca mine poți s-o zici, okay
You want to be like me, you can say it, okay
Zâmbetu' larg, ascund cicatrici, okay
Wide smile, hiding scars, okay
Zici te iubesc, degeaba zici (degeaba zici)
You say I love you, you say it in vain (you say it in vain)
S-a întâmplat iubesc oameni ce-au devenit inamici, okay
It happened that I fell in love with people who became enemies, okay
Ye, simplu
Yeah, simple
Am cheltuit banii fix cum am pierdut timpu'
I spent the money as I wasted time
O mie-n stânga, în dreapta triplu
One thousand on the left, triple on the right
E de la bani, ți-o zic, sunt sigur
It's from the money, I tell you, I'm sure
Ye, simplu
Yeah, simple
Am cheltuit banii fix cum am pierdut timpu'
I spent the money as I wasted time
O mie-n stânga, în dreapta triplu
One thousand on the left, triple on the right
E de la bani, ți-o zic, sunt sigur
It's from the money, I tell you, I'm sure
Mi-a zis că-s skinny, mai pun mine kile
You said I'm skinny, I need to gain some weight
I-am zis dau prea multe le țin mine
I told you I spend too much to keep the weight
Am început beau alcool treacă zile
I started drinking alcohol to get through the days
Tre' să-nghit patru pastile simt bine
I have to swallow pills to feel okay
Mi-a zis că-s skinny, mai pun mine kile
You said I'm skinny, I need to gain some weight
I-am zis dau prea multe le țin mine
I told you I spend too much to keep the weight
Am început beau alcool treacă zile
I started drinking alcohol to get through the days
Tre' să-nghit patru pastile simt bine
I have to swallow pills to feel okay

Writer(s): Vrabiescu Alberto

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