Africa Unite - Non Sei Sola - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Africa Unite - Non Sei Sola

Non Sei Sola
You Are Not Alone
Come il fuoco rida' i contorni del buio come corda che lega ma non stringe piu' un incontro rapito che fa straripare la mia mente brividi e passioni assolvono le colpe che ho, non andare via rimani qui sta notte non parlare piu' so cosa pensi.
Like fire, I ignite the outlines of the darkness like a rope that binds but no longer tightens a stolen encounter that overflows my mind chills and passions absolve the guilt I have, don't go away stay here tonight don't talk anymore I know what you think.
Non sei sola, cerca dentro me c'e' calore come lo vorrei non sei sola sotto la cenere si sta svegliando quel calore ci scottera'
You are not alone, search within me there is warmth as I would like you are not alone under the ashes that warmth is awakening it will burn us
Te sienti a sula ma nu si sula guarda de intra a tie e poi hai bessire sincera, nu stai a sula nu te sentire sula camina a 'nanzi a mie nu fa' passa' sta sira ca ncete nu calore comu quiddhru ca ulia moi sutta la cinere focu ca ne scarfa se tie oi icinu a mie ieu e tie quai tutti e ddoi nu te sentire sula chiamame' nu me n'au chiui.
You feel alone but you are not alone look inside you and then go out sincere, you are not alone don't feel alone walk in front of me don't let this night pass because there is a warmth like the one I wanted today under the ashes fire that warms us if you are close to me me and you together as one don't feel alone call me don't call me anymore.
Non sei sola...
You are not alone...
Comu la rocia te lu fuecu ne consumamu ardennu lu core e li pensieri ca tenimu, scarfannu lu tiempu te la notte ca passa chianu chianu l'ecchi su la luce cu ni capimu. E nu c'e' chiu' buju cu ne scunnimu quiddhri ca simu quannu tutti e doi ne amamu te le paure ca tenimu ne spujamu cussi' insieme stu tiempu lu vivimu buenu.
Like a rock we consume each other with fire burning the heart and the thoughts we hold, warming the time of the night that passes slowly the eyes on the light with which we understand each other. And there is no more darkness with which we hide what we are when the two of us love each other we rid ourselves of the fears we hold, so together we live this time well.
Ca la passione è forte ca ne face mpaccire puru quannu tra nui le cose nu stannu a scire, emozioni ca a parole nu se potenu spiegare se stamu insieme se potenu capire, usandu stu momentu per l'amore facimu te sta notte na notte speciale usandu stu momentu per l'amore uniti intra na sula cosa cu piacere.
Because the passion is strong that makes us go crazy even when things are not going well between us, emotions that cannot be explained in words if we are together they can be understood, using this moment for love we make this night a special night using this moment for love united into a single thing with pleasure.
Non sei sola...
You are not alone...
Cercame intra lu core ca stau sempre a ddhrai cu cercu calore, quiddhru ca sulamente tie me sai tare quiddhru ca finelmente m' ha fattu capire ca nuddhra distanza ne po' separare, ca se chiutu l'ecchi gia' te possu tuccare e sentu ce provi e ce pueti pensare quannu stai sula cercame intra lu core
Seek me in my heart because I am always there waiting with you I seek warmth, the one that only you know how to give me the one that finally made me understand that no distance can separate us, because if I close my eyes I can already touch you and I feel what you feel and what you can think when you are alone look for me in my heart
Non sei sola...
You are not alone...
Pensi di essere sola ma una luce t'illumina il cuore ti da' la forza quando pensi di non poterlo fare scopri di avere un sentimento che come un vento ti trascina via Non sei sola...
You think you are alone but a light illuminates your heart it gives you strength when you think you can't do it you discover that you have a feeling that like a wind carries you away You are not alone...

Writer(s): Francesco Caudullo, Vitale Bonino

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