Afshin - Bikhial Remix - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Afshin - Bikhial Remix

Bikhial Remix
Bikhial Remix
Ghame donyaro bikhial
Forget the worries of the world
Ghoseye fardaro bikhial
Forget the pain of tomorrow, my darling
Wenn die Mädels... rum swing
When the girls... swing around
Ihre hüften... im kreis schwing
Their hips... swing in a circle
Jeden tag... wenn sie singt
Every day... when she sings
Wie sich Mädels... im kreis drehn(2)...
Like girls... spinning around(2)...
Ghame donyaro bikhial
Forget the worries of the world
Ghoseye fardaro bikhial
Forget the pain of tomorrow, my darling
Bezan bala nooshe joonet
Be happy and enjoy your youth
Emshaba ro baba bikhial
Party tonight, my dear
Vergess gestern
Forget yesterday
Heut ist heute
Today is today
Mach jetzt partyY
Party now
Verteil Freude
Spread joy
Das A-team rytm
The A-team rhythm
Is wieder back
Is back again
Gleich auf die 1
Right on the 1
Mit diesem track
With this track
Kelass melasaro bikhial
Forget your worries, my love
Licence micancaro bikhial
Forget about your fears
Biya wasat gheresh bede
Come to the middle of the circle and dance
Ma aso passim bikhial
I will come and find you
Ihr wollt von uns partyshee
You want a party from us
Ihr kriegt von uns partyyshee
You will get a party from us
Gleich ein solchen partyhit
A party hit like this
Ihr fragt euch sicher wie das geht
You must be wondering how we do it
Weil wir eben ganz anders sind
Because we are different
Einfach nun mal kein standart sind
We are not ordinary
KEy yo da draußen macht die Beats
KEY yo out there makes the beats
Mein Bruder, ich schreibn die Hits
My brother, I write the hits
Ghame donya ro bikhial
Forget the worries of the world, my darling
Ghoseye farda ro bikhial
Forget about tomorrow, my darling
Bezan bala noshe jonet
Be happy and enjoy your youth
Emshaba ro baba bikhial
Party tonight, my dear
Kelass melasaro bikhial
Forget your worries, my love
Licence micancaro bikhial
Forget about your fears
Biya wasat gheresh bede
Come to the middle of the circle and dance
Ma aso passim bikhial
I will come and find you

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