Ahmed Mekky - El Hassah El Sab'a - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ahmed Mekky - El Hassah El Sab'a

El Hassah El Sab'a
The Seventh Sense
ف يوم قاعد ف كوفي شوب بشرب قھوة وسيجارة
One day, sitting in a coffee shop, sipping coffee and smoking a cigarette,
سرحت قفلت عيني زرت ذكرياتي زيارة
I drifted off, closed my eyes, and visited my memories.
سرحت فى قد ايه الدنيا دى واطية وغدارة
I reflected on how low and treacherous this world can be, my love.
وان حب الناس ٩٠٪ منو تجارة
And how 90% of people's love is just business.
وده مش كل الى افتكرته ده عصارة العصارة
And that's not all I remembered, darling, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
اصلي افتكرت فترة ضعت فيھا ودقت خسار
I remembered a period where I was lost and suffered losses.
على رأى ست كبيرة فى حتتنا الدنيا خيارة
As an old woman in our neighborhood used to say, "Life is a cucumber,"
اسمع منى الحدوتة دى وافھم معنى العبارة
Listen to this story, my dear, and understand the meaning of the phrase.
شاب زى كتير شباب
A young man like many young men,
طريقه مكسر مش باينله فيه غير الضباب
His path broken, nothing visible but fog.
الإكتئاب صايده وناھشه نھش ديابة وكلاب قرب يتجنن
Depression caught him, tearing at him like wolves and dogs, he's almost going crazy.
ليه دايما النتيجة سودا ھباب
Why is the outcome always dark and gloomy?
دا انا من صغر سنى بسعى وباخد دايماً بالأسباب
Since I was young, I've strived and always taken the right steps.
كل اما اوصل لحاجة بتبعد زى السراب
Whenever I reach something, it fades away like a mirage.
تايه في دنيا سوده بىحكمھا قانون الغاب
Lost in a dark world ruled by the law of the jungle.
راس مالي فيھا صحه وامي وشويه صحاب
My only capital is my health, my mother, and a few friends.
حتى الصحاب من اﻻكتئاب اغلبھم ادمن
Even my friends, because of the depression, most of them are addicted.
تحت التراب مكانھم اﷲ يرحمھم واتقفل الباب
Their place is under the ground, may God have mercy on them, and the door is closed.
صعب جدًا احساس ان انت تدي تدي ومتلاقيش
It's a very difficult feeling to keep giving and not receiving anything in return, sweetheart.
وتكمل الطريق من غير امل عليه تعيش
And to continue on the road without hope to live.
كل يوم زي اللى قبله شغلة شكل وما بتمشىش
Every day is like the one before, a job that's just for show and doesn't go anywhere.
اشتغلت كل حاجة كان ناقصنى اكون شاويش
I've done every job, all that was left was to be a sergeant.
لحد ما اشتغلت فى نادي فيديو وعشقت السيما، تاريخي
Until I worked in a video club and fell in love with cinema, my history.
عربي أجنبي، حديثة أو قديمة
Arabic, foreign, modern, or old.
كل المطلوب انك تعرف تحكى حدوتة
All that's required is that you know how to tell a story.
من كان ياما كان لحد كلمة توتة توتة
From "Once upon a time" to the very end.
فكرة حكى الحدوتة فى حد ذاتھا جت شدتنى
The idea of storytelling itself attracted me.
جراب تاريخ حياتي مليان خبرات فادتنى
The bag of my life's history is full of experiences that have benefited me.
كل اللى شوفته فى طفولتى وفي شارعي حتة مني
Everything I saw in my childhood and in my street is a part of me.
درست سيما قولت اعبر عنھم بس بفنى
I studied cinema, I said I would express them, but with my art.
افلامى فى المعھد كسبت فى مصر وبره مصر
My films at the institute won in Egypt and abroad.
قولت الحمدلله، اخيرا دوقت طعم نصر
I said, "Thank God," I finally tasted victory.
وفعلا أول ما اتخرجت روحت اخرج أول فيلم ليا
And indeed, as soon as I graduated, I went to direct my first film.
اصغر مخرج فى مصر وفى كل الدول العربية
The youngest director in Egypt and in all the Arab countries.
دا شكل الدنيا بتضحك ليا
It seems like the world is smiling at me.
ودعت الميكروباس وجبت لنفسي عربية
I said goodbye to the microbus and got myself a car.
روحت اشتركت فى جولدز وسيبت انا نادى الطلبية
I went and joined Gold's Gym and left the student club.
ومن تلات صحاب بقوا ٦٠، ٧٠ و ١٠٠
And from three friends, they became 60, 70, and 100.
اضرب كمان فى ١٠٠ واضرب كمان في ١٠٠
Multiply that by 100, and multiply it again by 100.
آمنت للدنيا وسلمت وقولت مية مية
I believed the world and surrendered, and said, "Perfect."
ونسيت ان الدنيا دار ابتلاء ودي بلية
I forgot that the world is a house of trials, and this is a calamity.
خدت الخازوق الصح وخوازيق الدنيا مغرية
I got the real blow, and the world's blows are tempting.
نزل فيلمى فشل محدش شافه
My film was released, it failed, nobody saw it.
اخدت صدمة، اديتنى الدنيا ظھرا وشلوت وبوكس ولطمة
I was shocked, the world gave me a backhand, a kick, a punch, and a slap.
مولد واتفض
The party's over, everyone go home.
محدش جوه قلبه رحمة
No one has mercy in their heart.
مش ممكن تعرف مين صحبك بجد اﻻ فى المحنة
You can't really know who your true friend is except in hardship.
رجعت حياتى اسوأ م اﻻول، بعت العربية
My life returned worse than before, I sold the car.
والميكروباس اجرته زادت شوية
And the microbus fare increased a bit.
بمرور الوقت فلوسي طارت طارت
With the passage of time, my money flew away.
وبقيت مديون، ما بقيتش عارف ايه تصنيفى عاقل او مجنون
And I became in debt, I no longer knew my classification, sane or insane.
وفي يوم تعبت سخنت عرقت فى السرير نمت
And one day I got sick, I had a fever, I sweated, and I slept in bed.
قالى الدكتور اوعاك يا ابني تزعل قولتله زعلت
The doctor told me, "Don't be sad, son." I said, "I'm sad."
ما انا اصلي وقعت فى كدابين الزفة ومنھم اتعلمت
Because I fell for liars, and from them, I learned.
في ناس تحبك وانت عالى بس تسيبك لو وقعت
There are people who love you when you're up high but leave you if you fall.
اتأثر الدكتور ساب الشنطة ومسح عنيه
The doctor was affected, he left his bag and wiped his eyes.
بص في عينيا تايه مش عارف ھيرد بايه
He looked into my eyes, lost, not knowing what to answer.
طبب عليا وقالى فيه مثل قالوه زمان
He treated me and told me a proverb they said long ago.
صحبك بجد اللى يفديك بنفسه فى الطوفان
Your true friend is the one who would sacrifice himself for you in the flood.
مش ھو بتاع القعدة الحلوة الضحكة والدخان
Not the one who's there for the good times, the laughter, and the smoke.
ضرب جرس بابي فتحت لقيت صحاب زمان
My doorbell rang, I opened it and found old friends.
صحاب اصيله جوم يزوروا اخوھم العيان
Loyal friends came to visit their sick brother.
الله لما تحس ان حد ھمه امرك
God, when you feel that someone cares about you,
بيحبك من قلبه بجد مش مصلحته ھبرك
Truly loves you from their heart, not just for their own benefit.
مش بيضحلك وھو بيحفرلك فى قبرك
Not smiling at you while digging your grave.
مش مھم كتر المعارف صاحب واحد أصلى أبرك
It's not the quantity of acquaintances that matters, one true friend is better.
صحابي وقفوا جنبي طلعونى من ليل سرمد
My friends stood by me, they pulled me out of eternal darkness.
الضربة الجامدة لو ممتش منھا تبقى اجمد
The hard blow, if you don't die from it, you become stronger.

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