Ahmet Kaya - 4.Kural - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ahmet Kaya - 4.Kural

Rule Number 4
Sürdük geceye yıldızları
We carried the stars through the night
Işıktan yollar döşedik
We paved paths of light
Ve damla damla erirken yıldızlarımız
And as our stars melted drop by drop
Toprak damlı evlerde umut sönerken
Hope extinguished in earthenware houses
Başladık yeniden güneşten döllenmeye
We began to fertilize ourselves anew from the sun
Issız bir acıya bin süngü birden batarken
As a hundred bayonets pierced a desolate pain
Yıkılanlar oldu bu sıra
There were those who fell in this line
Çürümüş bir beyin olarak
As a rotten brain
Kafalarda yatarken
Lying in the minds
Dağ başlarında kurşunlandılar
They were shot in the mountains
Doğan bir çocuğa armağan oldu adları
Their names were given to a newborn child
They were forgotten
Korkuları unutulmadı
Their fears were not forgotten
Kent yorgunu paslı bir alkol gecesine
To a rusty alcoholic night of city fatigue
From a book
Katliam gibi korkan general gecelerine
As the general's nights were as terrifying as a massacre
To radios
To radars
Ajans haberlerine
To agency news
Burjuva düşlerine yıkıldılar
They were destroyed by bourgeois dreams
Dağlar bir acılı masaldır artık
The mountains are a poignant tale now
Ve üniversite
And the university
Kan davalarından arda kalan bir feodaldir
Is a feudalist left over from blood feuds
Gelinler ağlayarak girer gerdeğe
Brides enter the wedding chamber weeping
Türkü söylemesini bilmez çocuklar
Children don't know how to sing folk songs
Gözlerim bin yaşında evliya türbeleri
My eyes are mausoleums of saints a thousand years old
Sen yoksun diye
Because you are not here

Writer(s): Ahmet Kaya, Orhan Kotan

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