Ai Kawashima - Color - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ai Kawashima - Color

白と黒はっきりさせたい そんな主張で誰もが生きている
I want to make things clear, black and white. That's how everyone seems to live their lives.
赤はダメ 緑も違うよ 一体どれを基準にしたいの?
Red is no good, green is not right. What is the standard we should aspire to?
We are crayons of different hues, that's why we can create a masterpiece together.
いろんな色で僕らは生きている 誰かをはじき出すのはやめよう
We live in a world of colors, let's stop pushing people away.
選びたいものだけ選ぶのなら 君も誰かに試されているのさ
If you only choose what you want, then you are being tested by someone else.
夢と恋ピンクに染まった だいだい色は君と僕のほほ
Dreams and love painted in pink, our cheeks are the color of oranges.
いつからか陣地を決めていた そしてそこには争い生まれた
We once defined our territories, and conflicts arose.
We know that the things money can't buy are the most precious, yet we forget.
いろんな色で僕らは生きている 誰一人として欠けちゃいけない
We live in a world of colors, not one of us should be missing.
君が力でぬりつぶすのなら 更なる痛みを風が運ぶだけ
If you try to paint over everything with your own color, the wind will only bring more pain.
君と僕混ざり合ったなら 優しさの絵の具が増えるだろう
If you and I blend together, the paints of kindness will grow.
まだ知らない色が瞬くよ 僕は手を差し出した かすかに染まる地球
There are still unknown colors that await discovery. I reach out my hand, gently coloring the Earth.
判別できないちっぽけな色でも 君が笑えば一つだけの色
Even the smallest, indistinguishable color, becomes unique when you smile.
認め合うことや譲り合うこと それだけで今何かが変わるよ
To accept and compromise, that alone can change things now.
地球は青いなんて見た目だけさ 本当の色はアポロも見えない
The Earth looks blue, but that's only from a distance. Its true color is something even Apollo couldn't see.
雨にぬかるむ大地の叫びは みんながここに生きてうたう声
The cry of the Earth, soaked in the rain, is the song of all who live and sing here.
So let us continue to sing today.

Writer(s): 川嶋 あい

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